Doctor Strange is a visual triumph and one of the finest show-cases for effects work that has ever been. While the film is far from flawless (the plot is thin, supporting characters are likewise), this is very much a case where spectacle is the right distraction.
It is steeped in the rich heritage of Doctor Strange comics, taking in a lot of the almost impenetrable lore of that universe and making the most surprising thing: an adaptation that is a true homage to the creators. If you're a fan of Steve Ditko's aesthetic, you need to see this film.
Here are the biggest and best Easter Eggs, References and In-Jokes In Doctor Strange...
16. Avengers Tower
16. 复仇者大厦
Though Doctor Strange is firmly a stand-alone, it does have links to the rest of the MCU and one comes right at the start.
As the camera pans over Strange's New York, the iconic image of the Avengers tower can be seen towering over the rest of the city.
This is one of only a couple of Avengers nods - you won't find any mention of the Accords or the Incident, because they haven't actually happened yet in Strange's world. The start of the film happens around the time of Iron Man 2.
15. The Iron Man 2 Reference
15. 《钢铁侠2》桥段
While driving to the conference after what proves to be his final operation and just before he plunges spectacularly into the river, Strange discusses interesting cases he can take on next.
He mentions a "35 year old Marine Colonel, crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor."
What it actually refers to is the soldiers testing Justin Hammer’s bootleg rip-off suits who gets his spine twisted. We learn of that in Iron Man 2's court room scene.
14. Kaecilius
14. 卡西利亚斯
Kaecilius is actually a villain from the comics, though an unexpectedly minor one. In the film he's actually more like an amalgamation of several characters: he's based at least partly on the traditional presentation of Mordo, as well as black magic wizard Kaluu and his master Dormammu.
13. The Pop Culture References
13. 流行文化桥段
The film oddly features a number of pop culture references when Doctor Strange is trying to break the ice with Wong. He asks if he just has a single name "like Adele" and then proceeds to mention Bono, Eminem and Drake as well as Aristotle. And then later when the pair meet again, Strange sasses Wong and mentions Beyonce, who Wong seems not to recognise, only to be revealed in the next scene to be listening to her on his walkman.
12. Wong
12. 跟班老王
Wong is of course a character from the comics too, but he has been adapted out to a more modern, less difficult character. On the page he was a stereotypical (caricatured) servant character, capable of fighting but not magic.
Here he's still a martial arts expert, but he has been elevated to a real Sorceror able to wield artefacts and cast spells.
11. The Costumes
11. 服装
Both Strange and Mordo's outfits are very closely modelled on their traditional comic book looks. Doctor Strange looks almost exactly as fans of the comics would expect him to - including the white streaks in his hair and the flowing red cape.
And Mordo's outfit takes in the traditional green robes he's always worn in the comics. It's a slightly toned down version, but that sort of theatricality comes with real supervillainy...
10. The Avengers' Role In The World
10. 复仇者在这个世界上的作用
The second mention of the Avengers comes as a brief but clever explanation of why the Sorcerors wouldn't have turned up to help with the Incident or any other major attack on the real world. They don't intervene simply because it isn't their remit.
Wong tells Doctor Strange that while the Avengers "protect the world from physical dangers. We safeguard it against more mystical threats."
It's only now that more magical threats like Loki and Thanos have appeared that the sorcerors have broken cover.
9. Dormammu
9. 多玛姆
Dormammu is as old an adversary for Doctor Strange as Baron Mordo is and the idea of Strange having to keep him out of the Earthly realm is a big part of the comics. There too he dwells in the Dark Dimension seeking a way to take over Earth.
In the comics too Strange and Dormammu are forced into a pact when Strange helps save the demon from the Mindless Ones and Dormammu is forced to agree not to ever attack Earth again.
It's a shame they didn't go with the massive half-balrog sort of design traditionally associated with the character in the comics.
8. The Cloak Of Levitation = Magic Carpet
8. 魔浮斗篷 = 魔毯
In the comics, Doctor Strange's Cloak Of Levitation is slightly different to the way its presented on screen, though there is a level of familiarity. Originally the Cloak was presented without any actual will of its own, though it has acted on the will of its wearer without command in some instances. In the source comics the Cloak is actually given to Strange as a prize for beating Dormammu, rather than it choosing him.
In the film, this is extended somewhat to give the Cloak more personality, and it definitely feels like the writers and animators went and watched Disney's Aladdin for tips on how to do that.
7. The Matrix
7. 黑客帝国
It would be foolish not to mention The Matrix at this point because of how closely the films are linked to Doctor Strange. In both cases there is a reluctant Chosen One, a mystical guide who educates him, a megalomaniac villain seeking more power for himself and a mostly ignorant general public unaware of the magic happening around them.
Kevin Feige even mentioned that the concept of magic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is inspired by The Matrix as well as the work of Stanley Kubrick and Hayao Miyazaki。
6. Wand Of Watoomb
6. 瓦图姆魔杖
Prior to his untimely death (which is quickly undone by Doctor Strange's time travel meddling), Wong makes a final stand out in front of the Hong Kong Sanctum, proving himself to be a badass and not just a really, really poor librarian.
During the fight he's seen wielding what appears to be the Wand of Watoomb, another key magical artefact from the comics.
In the comics, the wand is able to open portals and windows to other dimensions and project huge magical energies. It's not actually all that important, but it has an important part in Strange's comics history as it was the centre of the first story uniting the Sorceror Supreme with Spider-Man.
5. The Other Realm Design
5. 其他维度的设计
The design of the multiverse from the first time it's glimpsed at the start of the film and through to Strange's trip into the Dark Dimension is absolutely stunning.
There's obviously been a great deal of attention been paid to Steve Ditko's outrageous psychedelic designs from the comics.
It's really quite stunning how well the film brings that spirit to the big screen. You'll see nothing like it for a long time.
4. Mordo's Heel-Turn
4. 莫度的倒戈
Despite the way he views Kaecilius' betrayal of The Ancient One, Mordo eventually ends up going the same way, albeit with more morally good intentions. He wants to police the way Sorcerors act and stop them interfering with the Natural Order after he is horrified at Doctor Strange's use of the Eye Of Agamotto to turn back time.
3. The Mid-Credits
3. 片中彩蛋
In the mid credits sequence, Thor is seen conversing in the New York Sanctum with Strange. The pair verbally spar a little, Strange conjures his Asgardian guest some beer and they get to business.
Strange reveals that he has a powers watchlist, which tracks any entity deemed a mystical threat to Earth - ironic since he was on SHIELD's watchlist as a threat to Earth too. His list includes Loki, who has pinged the list after reappearing in London with Thor.
Presumably since Thor is now aware that his brother is alive (both are looking for their missing father), this is a scene picked out of the middle of Thor: Ragnarok, just as the post-credits stinger on Ant-Man was a scene taken from Civil War. So that's confirmation that Strange is appearing in Ragnarok then.
2. The Post-Credits Stinger
2. 片尾彩蛋
If you're patient enough to wait until after the credits (they're not all that long actually), there's a second stinger, this time starring Mordo.
He visits Benjamin Bratt's Jonathan Pangborn who revealed to Strange that the Ancient One had the power to help him as he was a paraplegic whose health was restored using magic. Mordo believes this to be another act of abomination and undoes the work, leaving Pangborn paralysed.
This is clearly the first step in Mordo's "evil" plan to rid the world of Sorcerors after they meddled too much with the Natural Order. That's going to be a great way to bring him back as a recurring character in the future too.
The final note on the credits also reads Doctor Strange Will Return. Good.
1. Benedict Cumberbatch's Cameo
1. 本尼迪克特.康伯巴奇的客串
Yes, you read that correctly: Benedict Cumberbatch does indeed have a non-Doctor Strange cameo in Doctor Strange.
As confirmed by director Scott Derrickson to IGN, Cumberbatch provided the voice and facial capture for Dormammu。