When the Tokyo Stock Exchange reopened on Wednesday for the first trading session of 2017, Japan as a whole entered its fifth year of “Abenomics” — the economic revival programme that, depending on taste, has either sputtered predictably or provided investable vigour to an otherwise enfeebled Japan story.
上周三,东京证券交易所(Tokyo Stock Exchange)重新开盘,迎来2017年第一个交易日。这是日本经济迈入“安倍经济学”(Abenomics)的第五年,这一经济复苏计划效果如何?人们见仁见智,要么觉得它不出预料地失败了,要么觉得它为日本股市注入了活力,使原本不景气的日本股市有了投资价值。
Whether, by the end of this year, Abenomics remains a relevant force — or even a word people still bother to use — may depend heavily upon the performance of the Nikkei 225 Average over the next six weeks.
到今年年底安倍经济学是否仍会是一支重要力量,甚至是否仍会是值得提及的一个词语,可能很大程度取决于日经225平均股价指数(Nikkei 225 Average,以下简称日经指数)在未来六周的表现。
Survive those without the same huge dip that savaged the benchmark between the first trading session of January and mid-February last year, say analysts, and we may be looking at a market with enough foreign buying and other support to sustain the current bull run.
If Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is particularly lucky and all this whets domestic retail investor appetites, 2017 may even see him complete a three-year Abenomics hat-trick of massive state asset sales — either through a second tranche of Japan Post and its banking and insurance subsidiaries or, if the stars really align, the long speculated privatisation of the Tokyo Metro.
如果日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)特别幸运,而且上述一切都成功激发国内零售投资者的胃口,他甚至可能在2017年完成一个历时三年、大规模出售国有资产的安倍经济学帽子戏法——或者是再卖掉一部分日本邮政(Japan Post)及其银行和保险分支,或者是奇迹出现,达成人们长期猜测的东京地下铁(Tokyo Metro)私有化。
Many of the signals for equities are hopeful. In addition to the heavily oversubscribed $4bn privatisation of Kyushu Railway Company, Japan’s 2016 initial public offerings market generated consistent enthusiasm for new issues, with some stocks rising 200 per cent on their first day of trading.
许多信号都令人对日本股市抱有希望。除了九州旅客铁道(Kyushu Railway Company)40亿美元的私有化获得高倍数超额认购以外,日本2016年的首次公开发行(IPO)市场对新发行股票抱以持续热情,一些股票在上市首个交易日上涨了200%。
Japanese companies have just completed a record ¥6tn year of share buybacks and Goldman Sachs expects they will beat that in 2017, forecasting ¥7.8tn of purchases.
日本企业2016年股票回购创下6万亿日元的纪录,高盛(Goldman Sachs)预计这一纪录在2017年将被打破——该行预测2017年日本企业股票回购额将达7.8万亿日元。

Through its ¥6tn programme buying exchange traded funds (ETFs), the Bank of Japan is on course to remain a significant supporter of equity prices. At ¥117.6 against the US dollar, the yen is substantially weaker than where it was for most of 2016, promising solid earnings-per-share rises if that remains the case in the year ahead.
通过6万亿日元的交易所交易基金(ETF)购买计划,日本央行(Bank of Japan)预计仍将成为日本股市的重要支持者。日元兑美元汇率维持在117.6日元兑1美元,日元比2016年大部分时间都要疲软得多,如果未来一年仍然如此,每股盈利(EPS)将稳步上升。
Plenty of strategists accordingly have 12-month targets for the Nikkei (and the broader, more transparent Topix index) that are between 2 and 7 per cent higher than its December 30 close of 19,114. They see plenty of potential risks in Donald Trump’s US presidency and in China’s growth profile, but cling to what SMBC Nikko strategist Jonathan Allum describes as “the simple truth” that Japanese stocks are more cyclical than most and tend to outperform when the global economy is improving.
许多策略师因此预测,到今年年底时,日经指数将比去年12月30日19114点的收盘点高出2%到7%(更全面、更透明的东证股价指数(Topix)也同样如此)。他们认为唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)当选美国总统以及中国增长情况都潜存诸多风险,但正如SMBC日兴资本市场(SMBC Nikko Capital Markets)策略师乔纳森?阿勒姆(Jonathan Allum)所说,他们坚信一个“简单的事实”,即日本股市比大多数股市更具周期性,而且在全球经济向好时往往表现出众。
Even if 2016 saw only a very narrow (0.42 per cent) rise for the Nikkei index, recent market history is on the prime minister’s side. Since Mr Abe took office in late December 2012, investors have repeatedly given him and Abenomics the benefit of the doubt.
He has certainly enjoyed the tailwind of prolonged yen weakness (and its traditional boost to corporate profitability) but even as doubts swirl over whether he will deliver much more in the way of serious structural reform, wage increases or real progress on “womenomics”, the Nikkei Average has risen in each of the years he has been in power.
Increasingly, however, the strong stock market is exposing a persistent failure of Abenomics. A buoyant Nikkei — the most followed share barometer by Japanese investors — does not, on its own, constitute a success for the prime minister’s programme and 2017 could be the year that Mr Abe’s benefit of the doubt runs out.
While positive returns for the market may create a superficial sense of progress, the purpose of the BoJ’s ETF-buying programme, of the corporate governance code and various other efforts broadly ascribed to Abenomics, is far wider.
The idea was to use the equity market, among other mechanisms, to create a cycle in which companies feel stronger, wages rise and Japan breaks cleanly free of its 20-year deflationary mindset. Along the way, runs the core underlying Abenomics ambition, Japanese households and particularly the younger ones should be tempted to shift some of their ¥1,700tn savings out of bank accounts and into riskier assets.
None of this, though, has yet happened convincingly. Even the massive IPOs of Japan Post in 2015 and JR Kyushu in 2016 — successfully priced to entice the individual investor in consecutive years — did not create the desired equity culture.
In 2014, Japan introduced the Nippon Individual Savings Account (NISA) — a tax-sheltered vehicle that allows savers to park ¥1.2m annually in stocks and mutual funds. Some 10m people have opened accounts since the launch but more than half are aged over 60 and across the whole scheme, the average total in each account remains below ¥900,000.
The next few days, say brokers, could harden the case for caution. Toshiba ended the year with its shares in virtual freefall, down nearly 43 per cent in just three days as investors responded to a vaguely worded warning of “several billion dollars” worth of unexpected impairment costs on its nuclear business — and media reports suggest there may be other accounting problems lurking. If a name as seemingly bulletproof as Toshiba can suddenly crash, runs the logic of the conservative Japanese household, what hope of a safe investment in anything? If there is any sort of share sell-off contagion, to Toshiba’s main lending banks or through its supply chain, the damage to sentiment could leave many NISA accounts untouched for months.
Another part of the problem is technical: retail investors testing individual stock ownership for the first time are naturally drawn to household names. Unfortunately, many of these — including Nintendo, Fanuc, Shimano, Fast Retailing and Mitsubishi Estate — have shares whose minimum trading units are too big to fit into a NISA account’s annual allotment. One early effort in 2017, say government officials, may be to encourage these companies to undertake share splits to make them investable by NISA holders.
另一个问题是技术上的:首次尝试自己炒股的散户投资者自然会被家喻户晓的公司所吸引。遗憾的是,许多这样的公司——包括任天堂(Nintendo)、发那科(Fanuc)、禧玛诺(Shimano)、迅销(Fast Retailing)和三菱地所(Mitsubishi Estate)——股票的最小交易单位过大,超过NISA账户的年度配额。政府官员表示,2017年较早拿出的一项举措可能是鼓励这些公司分拆股票,让它们适合NISA账户持有人投资。
But the pivotal test of this central Abenomics theme, says Koji Nagai, the chief executive of Nomura Securities, will be inflation. “If people think deflation will continue, they will probably leave their assets as bank deposits and if they think otherwise, they will invest in something. If Japan’s CPI really hits 2 per cent and inflation kicks in, as [BOJ governor Haruhiko] Kuroda has been saying, people will naturally withdraw money from their bank deposits and move to investment.
但野村证券(Nomura Securities)社长永井浩二(Koji Nagai)表示,对安倍经济学这一中心主题的关键考验将是通胀。“如果人们认为通缩将会持续,他们很可能会继续把钱放在银行,如果他们不这么认为,他们将会进行投资。如果像日本央行行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)一直说的那样,日本消费价格指数(CPI)真的触及2%,通胀来临,人们自然会从银行账户取出钱,进行投资。”
Japanese investors are clever and have been very logical in the past and probably will be clever going forward,” says Mr Nagai.