WikiLeaks last Tuesday released thousands of documents that it said revealed the secret tools the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used to hack people's smartphones, computer operating systems and even smart TVs.
A statement from the anti-secrecy organization said that the 8,761 documents were obtained from "an isolated, high-security network" situated inside the CIA's hacking division, the Center for Cyber Intelligence.
"Code-named 'Vault 7' by WikiLeaks, it is the largest-ever publication of confidential documents on the agency," the statement said, noting the leaks detailed "the scope and direction of the CIA's global covert hacking program."
此次披露行动的代号为Vault 7,是维基解密有史以来对CIA机密文件最大规模的披露。声明指出,这些文件详述了"CIA全球秘密侵入项目的范围和方向"。

By the end of 2016, it said, the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence had over 5,000 registered users and had produced more than 1,000 hacking systems, trojans, viruses and other "weaponized" malware.
These hacking programs can target "a wide range of US and European company products, include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs."
"We are aware of the report and are looking into it," a spokesman from Microsoft said.