It's a familiar feeling for almost all of us: we have a project to start, we know the deadline is quickly approaching, we know what we need to do, yet instead of sitting down at the computer or getting out the paint and paintbrush, we decide to do a load of laundry. The laundry leads to cleaning out the basement, which leads to rearranging the cupboards, and before we know it, the day is gone and we haven't made any progress on our project. Yes, this is the dreaded procrastination, and it strikes all of us at one point or another. Whether you experience procrastination only rarely or its your constant companion, curing your procrastination is probably a goal that is relatively high on your list.
Most procrastinators have tried to beat it in the past, and found that it's tougher than they anticipated. That's because procrastination doesn't have a single cause, nor does it have a single solution. We procrastinate for different reasons that may be related to our personality, our schedules or the specific project we're working on. You may procrastinate at work for different reasons than you procrastinate going to the gym or cleaning the house, for example. To beat procrastination forever, you need to identify what is going on in your brain when you're putting off work, and how you can change the way you think. The following ten tips will help you get more acquainted with your habit of procrastinating, and give you useful tools to change your life.

Most of the time, procrastination isn't a time-management issue, it has a deeper root cause. Take a look at one of the areas in your life where you tend to procrastinate, and think about how you feel when you're experiencing it. Are you fearful of how your life may change if you actually accomplish the task? Are you terrified that you will make mistakes or that your work won't lead to a perfect project? What anxieties are attached to the project, and where do they come from? Are these fears different than ones you experience in relation to a different task you often put off? You may not be able to answer the questions perfectly at first, but just thinking about them is a great first step.
When you are experiencing fear or anxiety that leads to procrastination, your most likely reaction is to deny it and push it away.
That's why we busy ourselves with mundane and distracting tasks that don't really need to get done. We don't want to think about the fear or anxiety, so we train our minds to focus on busywork. Even if you are not ready to identify why you're experiencing fear about this particular project, you can take the step of at least acknowledging that you're afraid. Don't push it away. Sit with your fear, give it some attention, and be fully present with it. It may seem counterintuitive, but the more you acknowledge and feel your fear, the less of a hold it will have on you.

Procrastination is a habit, plain and simple, and the way to change is to start replacing it with other, healthier habits. Even after you've identified the fears associated with your procrastination and learn to accept them, you still need to break the habits that have taken hold over years or even decades. Changing a habit as daunting as procrastination can seem like an overwhelming task, and taking on this task may trigger even more desire to procrastinate. It can become a cycle that is quite difficult to break, especially if you are always looking at the big picture.
The key to breaking the procrastination habit is to chunk projects into small, manageable pieces. What is the first thing you usually do when getting ready to start a large project? If you're a procrastinator, you probably tend to think about all the deadlines you need to meet, all the words you need to write, or all the pieces that need to be included in your presentation. It's overwhelming, and it makes complete sense that you don't know where to start and therefore don't start at all. Instead of looking at the big picture at the beginning of a project, just look at the first task that needs to be done. Maybe that's writing one intro piece, or checking out some books to be referenced in your PowerPoint presentation. Once you've identified the first task, it becomes much easier to take that first step. Forming the habit of chunking up projects every single time will lead to less anxiety, which will then lead to less procrastination.

We often procrastinate because we become overwhelmed with too many projects and don't know where to start. Are you the type that never says no to anything?
Are you continuously offering to help others even though you know you don't have the time to get it all done? Do you request too many projects at work, then get stressed when you realize you've overcommitted? Many people procrastinate not because they are poor time-managers, but because they simply can't complete everything they commit to, no matter how skilled they are at managing the time they have.
One of the keys to beating procrastination is being able to focus on the project at hand, which is extremely difficult to do when you've got ten other projects all clamoring for attention. The first step in this situation is learning how to say no and being honest with yourself about how much you can actually accomplish. The second step, once you have your to-do list pared down, is to choose one task and make a commitment to focuses on it until it's finished. No more hopping from project to project getting a little bit done here and little bit done there. You need to train your brain to focus exclusively on one task and resist the temptation to multi-task. Multi-tasking is not your friend when you're trying to break your procrastination habit! A helpful tool is to set a timer on your phone or watch and commit to no distractions for a certain period of time. You may start out with only five or ten minutes, but you can always build up from there.

Forward momentum is often the key to getting a project started, and for that momentum to get rolling, you have to do something. It doesn't matter what that something is, only that it involves forward progress. Have to clean the entire house before the in-laws come over for dinner? Start by simply picking up the socks that are on the living room floor. Need to write a 3000-word presentation for the meeting tomorrow morning? Start by pulling up a blank word document on your computer. Determine the very first action needed to get the project completed, no matter how small it may seem, and just do it. This makes the task seem more real and gives you that little boost of accomplishment you need to keep going. You're turning a hypothetical 'need to do' into a concrete 'am doing', and that can often make all the different in the world.
For most of us, it's easier not even to start a project than it is to leave one partially completed.
The sense of urgency that is missing when we haven't started yet returns as soon as we take that first small step. Have you noticed that the hardest thing to do when you want to work out in the morning is simply getting out of bed? Once you're out, everything else seems to fall in place, and before you know it, you're dressed and ready for a jog. That's the beauty of just doing something—once you start, it becomes much easier just to keep going.

What's getting in your way at the start of your project? No matter how small it may seem, it could be just enough to trigger procrastination. Before you start any project, you need to remove your obstacles and free yourself to perform the task unencumbered. What does this look like? Let's say the task you are putting off is writing a report for work. Every time you start the task, you get distracted by checking new emails as they pop up, straightening your desk that always seems untidy and getting lost researching links to include in your presentation as they always tend to lead you to more articles you want to read.
The trick is to remove those obstacles before you even begin your task. In the above scenario, you would start by not even opening your email program before beginning your report. If it's too much of a temptation, write your report from a location with no internet access. You'd next make sure your desk was cleaned before you began your task, or move to a clear space to work. Finally, research all of your links beforehand and have them handy to insert into your presentation. When you remove obstacles, you're setting yourself up for success and limiting the distractions that always seem to get in your way. It's always more difficult to regain focus than it is to retain it, so limiting anything that may interfere is a key strategy that should help you remain on-task.