The market for mobile telecoms promises growth but teems with competition. So infrastructure investors are increasingly pegging their hopes on the greater stability of “wired” broadband businesses. An example: I Squared Capital has agreed to buy HGC, the fixed-line subsidiary of Li Ka-shing’s Hutchison Telecom, for HK$14.5bn ($1.9bn). Shares in Hong Kong-listed Hutchison jumped 6.8 per cent to two-year highs.
移动通讯市场增长潜力巨大,但竞争激烈。因此,基础电讯设施投资者越来越多地寄希望于更稳定的“有线”宽带业务。一个例子是:I Squared Capital已同意以145亿港元(合19亿美元)的价格,收购李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)旗下和记电讯香港(Hutchison Telecommunications HK)的固网电讯业务子公司——和记环球电讯(HGC)。香港上市的和记电讯股价上涨6.8%,至两年高点。
Online TV offerings have helped demand for broadband connections delivered through fixed lines. The International Telecommunications Union estimates the number of fixed broadband customers grew 11 per cent to 884m in the year to 2016. The Asia-Pacific region is half the total, and grew faster.
The fixed-line business is less competitive than mobile and comes with higher margins. This reflects subscribers’ inertia and a slower upgrade cycle. The difficulty of providing “last-mile” infrastructure provides a barrier to entry, too.

Hutchison’s revenues shrunk 45 per cent last year, due to lower demand for new smartphones. The group has said that it wants to use the transaction proceeds to strengthen its market position in the mobile business. At a sale price of 36 times trailing earnings, there will be cash to support that. In October, Wharf Telecom sold its fixed-line business to a consortium including TPG at roughly 30 times prior year earnings. NetLink, the recently floated group that manages Singapore’s fibre network, trades at 39 times earnings but faces less domestic competition.
由于对新智能手机的需求下降,去年和记电讯的营收萎缩了45%。该集团表示,希望利用这笔交易所得的款项来加强其在移动通讯领域的市场地位。以36倍历史市盈率的估值出售,和记电讯将拥有现金来支持这种举措。去年10月,九仓电讯(Wharf Telecom)被出售给包括TPG资本(TPG Capital)在内的一家财团,售价约为上一年盈利的30倍。近期上市的NetLink的市盈率为39倍,但它面临的国内竞争较少。该集团负责运营新加坡的光纤网络。
Such high valuations might tempt other operators to monetise their broadband assets in order to throw more cash at winning market share in mobile. They should be careful. Hutchison will at least have a choice of fixed-line providers from which it can rent capacity once it has sold HGC. This is not the case in all jurisdictions. It may sometimes be more prudent to remain a monopolist than become a customer of one.