Financial institutions have paid more than $150bn in fines in the US relating to the credit crisis, passing a significant milestone a decade after it became clear American subprime woes had become a global problem.
Ten years ago this week, France’s BNP Paribas barred investors from accessing money in funds with subprime mortgage exposure, citing a “complete evaporation of liquidity”. The date — August 9, 2007 — is pegged by many as the moment the financial crisis began.
10年前的本周,法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)禁止投资者取出投在具有次级抵押贷款敞口的基金中的钱,声称“流动性完全蒸发”。那一天——2007年8月9日——被很多人视为金融危机的开端。
Financial institutions have largely recovered from the Great Recession that followed, but the crisis profoundly reshaped economies and markets, and the effects on politics and society are still being felt. Dealing with banks’ alleged misdeeds from the era also remains unfinished business.

The public outcry for accountability ushered in an era where the US government was willing to penalise financial institutions sharply, yet most crisis-related actions were civil rather than criminal. Much of the public remained unsatisfied because few bankers went to prison.
A trio of multibillion-dollar settlements with European banks this year has netted $19bn for the Department of Justice and regulators, including $5.5bn paid by RBS of the UK last month — taking the total over the landmark figure.
A single bank, Bank of America, has paid more than one-third of all recoveries to US authorities, according to an analysis by the Financial Times. Its $56bn in settlements with state and federal regulators and the DoJ cover its own mortgage sales and actions by two companies it acquired, subprime mortgage lender Countrywide and broker Merrill Lynch.
英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的分析显示,美国银行(Bank of America)一家支付的罚款占美国当局得到的赔偿款三分之一以上。该行与州级和联邦监管部门、以及美国司法部达成的总值560亿美元的和解,覆盖了它自己的抵押贷款销售及其收购的两家公司——次级抵押贷款机构Countrywide和经纪商美林(Merrill Lynch)——的行为。
JPMorgan Chase, which acquired Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, has paid the second-largest amount, with $27bn in fines and relief.
收购了贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(Washington Mutual)的摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase),支付了270亿美元的的罚款和救济,认罚金额位列第二。
The FT analysis of fines against banks, rating agencies and other institutions covers conduct ranging from the faulty underwriting of mortgages, improper foreclosure practices and discriminatory lending to the mismarking of auction rate securities. The bulk of the $150.1bn total — $89.1bn — was to settle allegations that institutions misled buyers of securities backed by mortgages.
New cases related to the crisis are still being filed and investigations continue, suggesting the $150bn total could grow. Barclays is fighting a DoJ lawsuit alleging it misled buyers of mortgage-backed securities.