A can of soda, a packet of cigarettes?.?.?.?and a spanking new Maserati. China’s Alibaba is upping the stakes in the world of vending machines, promising to make buying a car “as easy as buying a can of Coke”.
The mega vending machine, expected next year, serves as a fresh symbol of China’s consumerism and the global zeitgeist for instant gratification.
Buyers will be able to browse cars on their smartphones, press the buy button, and the car will be disgorged at ground level from a vertical display tower.
Yu Wei, general manager of the automotive division on Alibaba’s Tmall ecommerce platform, said the era of online car shopping had already arrived and the new automotive retail model “will make buying cars as easy as buying a can of Coke”, he told Alibaba’s news service.
Alibaba is spearheading its new retail model across sectors, blending online shopping with physical stores to offer consumers more choices and, crucially, collate ever more data that can be looped back to encourage them to spend more.
However, the company will not be the first to sell cars from a vending machine. Singaporean used-car seller Autobahn Motors set up a futuristic 15-storey showroom in December, dubbing it the “world’s largest luxury car vending machine”, while Carvana has built more modest versions in Tennessee and Texas.
然而,该公司不会是第一家从自动贩卖机出售汽车的公司。新加坡二手车卖家Autobahn Motors去年12月推出一间未来派风格的15层展示厅,号称“世界最大的豪车自动贩卖机”,而Carvana已在田纳西州和德克萨斯州打造了更为低调的版本。
While Carvana keeps the experience real with a machine that takes a token mega coin, Alibaba plans to plug its vending machines into its ecosystem that incorporates financing and data about the buyer’s credit standing.
Buyers with the requisite credit rating from Alibaba’s scoring system Sesame Credit will be able to drive off in their car with a 10 per cent downpayment, and continue to make monthly instalments through payments service Alipay.
在阿里巴巴的信用评分系统芝麻信用(Sesame Credit)达到信用评级要求的买家,将能够以10%的首付把车开走,然后通过支付宝(Alipay)每月分期付款。
Buyers appear to be lapping up the concept. Gary Hong, general manager of Autobahn Motors, said sales were up an annual 30 per cent to about 130 luxury vehicles following the move. He currently has a classic car being sold for almost $10m.
买家们似乎对这个概念欣然接受。新加坡Autobahn Motors的总经理Gary Hong表示,启用汽车自动贩卖模式后,豪车销量同比增长了30%。他目前销售的一辆经典汽车价格近1000万美元。
The business model reduces costs, including of the manpower need to store and keep cars clean and shiny.
Once a customer selects their car, said Mr Hong, it takes just a couple of minutes for it to be shuttled down from the tower — time spent watching an introductory video. “The cars always appear in their best light because of the spotlighting,” he said. “It’s like going to a jewellery shop or an Apple store.”
Gary Hong表示,客户作出选择后,其选定的汽车仅需几分钟就能从楼上送下来,在此期间可以观看一段介绍视频。“由于打着聚光灯,这些汽车总是以最光鲜的形象亮相,”他表示。“就像去珠宝店或苹果(Apple)商店。”
The cars are well-lit in displays in the building-cum-vending box, and are visible from the street through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Chinese shoppers have already shown themselves willing to buy cars online. Maserati sold 100 vehicles in 18 seconds during a flash sale on Tmall, while a similar sale saw fellow Italian luxury car brand Alfa Romeo sell 350 Giulia Milano cars in 33 seconds, according to Alibaba.
中国消费者已经表现出愿意在线购买汽车。据阿里巴巴介绍,在天猫举办的一次秒杀促销中,玛莎拉蒂在18秒内售出了100辆车,而同为意大利豪车品牌的阿尔法罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)在类似的促销活动中,在33秒内售出350辆Giulia Milano车。
China, which has been the world’s biggest auto market for the best part of a decade, sold more than 28m cars last year, according to the government-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
Vending machines, particularly ubiquitous in Japan, are also popular in China, where there are an estimated 100,000 selling drinks, candy and other comestibles.