Fitness influencers let us in on their secrets for returning to your regime after a slump or a holiday.
"I'm pretty consistent with my training but I do find after a holiday sometimes getting back into a routine is challenging. Some days you have that little battle with yourself - 'Do I really need to train, can I have another dessert today?' - it's called being human there's no need to beat yourself up about it, but it's important to identify why you train. We all have our own reasons and once you identify yours you need to be able to utilise that as your motivation. For me it's the sense of wellbeing, the clarity and energy I get from training that gets me out of bed to go boxing, along with the fact training is quite sociable for me."

"I think a huge thing for anyone who finds themselves dipping in and out of a fitness routine is to firstly stop thinking of it as a 'routine' and instead, make fitness something you look forward to. Everyone is different and not everyone suits the same training, so take time to find that thing you love. Is it boxing, dancing, Pilates, basketball? It doesn't always have to be a dark gym class involving weights.
"For those of you in a fitness slump at the minute, just remember that it is your health, your body, your priority and if you don't do it no one else will."
"I don't think of the gym as punishment. Instead, the gym is a hobby for me and a social experience. If you are one of those people who hates working out, I would recommend that you try to change your mindset and make training a hobby or a social activity, something that you really enjoy.
"However, I travel a lot, and so sometimes I have weeks at a time where I haven't properly trained. I can totally relate to the feeling of not feeling like training after some time off. The first session back is the worst - but you usually gain back your fitness relatively quickly. I know that once I get to the gym, I am going to feel better afterwards. "