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5 'Night Prowler'



This song, much like the offerings from Ozzy and Judas Priest, probably hasn't inspired any murders, but that didn't stop the entire world from thinking so in the 1980s. During the terrifying two-year reign of serial killer Richard Ramirez, Los Angeles residents were slaughtered in the most horrific ways imaginable after he slipped through their windows at night. At one grisly crime scene, authorities discovered an AC/DC hat Ramirez had left behind.

As it happens, the album Highway to Hell includes a sinister-sounding song about creeping around in the dark and climbing through windows, "Night Prowler." That was all the media needed to know. Obviously, Ramirez had been driven to gruesome murder by the lyrics of this evil rock song. Ramirez was forevermore known as the "Night Stalker," unfairly linking the band's work with a psychopath's nightmarish violence.

4 'Insha Ji Utho'



In the early 1970s, Pakistani poet Ibne Insha wrote what would become his most famous poem, "Insha ji Utho." It tells the sorrowful tale of a man lost in a cold, pointless existence. Despite the dark subject matter, singer Amanat Ali Khan fell in love with the piece and, with Insha's permission, adapted it into a song.

20世纪70年代初,巴基斯坦诗人伊本·因沙写下了他最著名的诗《Insha Ji Utho》。诗中讲述了一个人在冷漠、无望的生活中迷失的悲伤故事。尽管主题灰暗,歌手阿曼纳特·阿里·汗却对这首诗情有独钟,并在因沙的许可下将诗改编成了一首歌。
Khan performed it on television in January 1974, and it immediately became his biggest hit. He enjoyed more fame than he'd ever known, at least until his sudden, untimely death a few months later. Then, four years to the day after the original telecast, Insha himself passed away at 50 after a battle with cancer.
Years later, Khan's son, Asad Amanat Ali, had also become a successful singer. At a concert in 2006, he ended the evening with his rendition of "Insha ji Utho." It was the last song he would ever perform. He passed away as suddenly as his father only months later. Khan's other singing son, Shafqat Amanat Ali, has since sworn never to perform the malicious melody.
多年后,阿里·汗的儿子阿萨德·阿曼纳特·阿里也成了一名成功的歌手。在2006年的一次演唱会上,他以一曲《Insha ji Utho》结束了当晚的演出,这也成了他人生最后的演唱。几个月后,他像他的父亲一样突然离世。而阿里·汗的另一个儿子沙夫卡特·阿曼纳特·阿里也是一名歌手,他发誓绝不会演唱这首邪恶之曲。

3 'My Way'



People who commit murder are obviously a little unhinged. Trying to assign logic to their actions is doomed from the start. You just have to accept that you will never understand the mindset. And you had better start accepting fast because here come the Phillipines.

Karaoke bars in the island nation have only one taboo: Do not, under any circumstances, sing Frank Sinatra's "My Way." Murders caused by amateur renditions of the song are so bizarrely common that the news media has a special category just for them. At least six killings and countless fights have been reported in the past few years alone.
No other similar songs incite such violence, and nobody really knows what causes this phenomenon. Some think it's the arrogant nature of the lyrics, while others believe it's just bad singing. Filipino culture takes singing—particularly karaoke—very seriously, so presumably any deviation from karaoke "etiquette" could be to blame.

2 'Helter Skelter'



The Beatles' 1968 song "Helter Skelter" is a nice little tune about an amusement park ride of the same name. But on August 9, 1969, a man and his brainwashed followers would make the silly little phrase synonymous with abject terror. His name was Charles Manson.

Manson had become convinced that the British musicians were actually angels and that they were secretly communicating with him through their music. He and his cult were under the delusion that "Helter Skelter" was a prophecy of an apocalyptic race war which they were destined to start. Believing a high-profile mass murder would be a good signal for the Earth to get its war on, they loaded into their van and headed into the Hollywood Hills.
In the course of two evenings, seven people were brutally slaughtered. Manson and his "family" ended up in jail, and a perfectly good song was ruined. Manson remains in prison to this day, waiting for his war.

1 'Gloomy Sunday'



In the early 1930s, struggling Hungarian songwriter Rezso Seress found himself depressed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. His work was largely ignored by the music industry, his career was dying, and the woman he loved had walked out on him. And so he sat at his piano, alone. Then, lost in despair and idly plinking away at the keys, he stumbled upon the melody that would become his unwanted masterpiece.

Szomoru Vasarnap, or "Gloomy Sunday," became an overnight success. It was played nonstop the world over, and Seress finally had the fame he'd been chasing for years. But then the suicides started. Corpses were found clutching the song's sheet music. Suicide notes containing lyrics were left. One body was found with the tune skipping endlessly on a record player. A man even shot himself after complaining that he couldn't get the song out of his head.
歌曲《Szomoru Vasarnap》,英文译名《黑色星期天》一夜成名。时过境迁,查理多年来的成名梦终于如愿。但接下来,自杀事件开始接连发生。人们发现那些自杀身亡的人,有的手中紧紧攥着歌曲的乐谱,还留下了包含了歌词的绝命书。有一个自杀身亡的人被发现时,一旁的电唱机还在循环播放着这首曲子。一名男子甚至感到无法摆脱这首曲子极度残酷的旋律,于是开枪自尽。
It's believed that the number of suicides linked to "Gloomy Sunday" measure in the hundreds. It became known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song," and it was even banned on English radio. And, as if the song was tying up loose ends, both Seress and his girlfriend, the song's muse, ended up dying by their own hands.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
delusion [di'lu:ʒən]


n. 错觉

imaginable [i'mædʒinəbl]


adj. 可想像的,可能的

incite [in'sait]


v. 煽动,刺激,激励

logic ['lɔdʒik]


n. 逻辑,逻辑学,条理性,推理

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

muse [mju:z]


vi. 沉思,冥想 vt. 沉思默想 n. 沉思,(希腊

category ['kætigəri]


n. 种类,类别

amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]


n. 娱乐,消遣

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的

doomed [dumd]


adj. 命中注定的 动词doom的过去式和过去分词





