Chinese property developers have made an aggressive return to Asia’s dollar-denominated debt market as the country’s top economic planner allows more offshore deals.
The National Development and Reform Commission has started to approve more developers for offshore bond issuance after slowing the process at the start of the year, according to two people familiar with the matter.
The NDRC, which approves issuance, along with other regulators, held up some approvals due to fears the country’s housing market was once again overheating.
One debt capital markets banker at a Chinese bank in Hong Kong said the shift in NDRC treatment of developers likely occurred at the end of last month, coinciding with the closing of China’s Communist party congress.
The person noted that the change had led to a number of new debt deals for developers in the pipeline.
Offshore debt issuance by Chinese property developers hit a low mark for 2017 in October, with just $502m in issuance, down 57 per cent from last year, according to data from Dealogic.
Since the start of the month, a number of large property developer deals have returned to the market.
On November 2, Vanke Real Estate priced a $1bn 10-year bond at 3.98 per cent. In the first 11 days of November, Chinese developer deals, valued at $2.97bn, have priced in the offshore market, surpassing the figure for the whole of last November.
“It’s good news because the offshore market has been the biggest source of refinancing for many Chinese developers,” said Wendy Liu, an analyst at UOB Kay Hian in Shanghai.
“这是个好消息,因为离岸市场一直是许多中国开发商再融资的最大来源,”大华继显证券(UOB Kay Hian Securities)常驻上海的分析师Wendy Liu表示。

China’s economic planners became concerned that China’s property market was again overheating at the end of last year. Since then, regulators have increased some controls on house sales, sending the shares of listed property developers tumbling in Hong Kong in September.
In response, the mainland residential property market has cooled off, Ms Liu said.
Wendy Liu表示,其结果是,内地住宅市场已有所降温。
The cost of new housing in China rose at its slowest pace in 17 months in September. Transaction value for residential real estate declined for the first time this year in October, coming down 1.7 per cent year on year, according to data from UOB.
The size of the Asia dollar debt market, excluding Japan and Australia, has more than quadrupled since 2005, and issuance in 2017 has hit record highs.