South Korean women are destroying cosmetics and cutting their hair short to fight back against unrealistic beauty ideals in what is being dubbed the "escape corset" movement.
In posts across Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms, women have been denouncing the use of cosmetics and a culture that pressures as many as one in three women to undergo some form of plastic surgery.
Beauty regimens commonly require women to spend hours applying makeup each day – often involving waking up two hours before work to do so or carrying out lengthy skincare routines that involve 10 steps or more at the end of each day.

The "escape corset" movement is the latest development in the Asian country's exploding feminist movement in the age of #MeToo, in a country that was ranked a poor 116 out of 144 countries on gender equality by the World Economic Forum.
The women abandoning demanding cosmetic regimens call themselves "beauty resisters" and are part of a broader pushback against South Korea's highly patriarchal society which places a huge emphasis on a woman's appearance as being key to success in life.
Stories about young women transforming their lives after having plastic surgery and makeovers are abound in soaps and movies, and popular on reality TV.
South Korea has a massive beauty industry and in 2017 it was estimated to be worth just over 10 billion pounds, according to retail researchers Mintel.
Seoul is the global plastic surgery capital and the wealthy neighborhood of Gangnam reportedly has 500 aesthetic centers.