In the streets of Lima, the capital of Peru, China Daily reporter Peng Yixuan met a Peruvian girl riding a Chinese electric bike. She said that she bought the bike using a student discount.
在秘鲁首都利马街头,中国日报记者小彭( 视频号:小彭彭译萱 )遇见一位骑中国品牌电动车的小姐姐。她告诉小彭自己是大学生,用学生折扣买了这辆车。
Known as the king of short-distance commuting in China, the bike is loved by South American consumers for its lightweight and fast features.
China has been Peru's largest trade partner and export market for 10 consecutive years. Chinese electric bikes are seen on the streets of Peru, while agricultural products like cranberries, avocados, and blueberries are appearing on Chinese tables.
"Peru is going to become the door for everything that comes from Asia to South America," said Felipe James, chairman of the National Society of Industries of Peru.
秘鲁国家工业协会主席费利佩·詹姆斯(Felipe James)表示,随着亚太地区经贸合作不断加深,秘鲁即将成为亚洲与南美各类往来的门户。
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