【英文原文】This number has the idea of singleness, uniqueness, as well as unity and agreement in purpose and action. Christian God is unique. He does not share his glory with another, as is the case2009-07-08 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:数字3 3对于古希腊人是个神秘数字。哲学家毕达哥拉斯说3是完美无缺的数字,因为世间万物无不有首、中、尾三段。因而它与神有关。Ancient Greeks believed the number was sacred. Pythag2009-07-07 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:数字7 数字7在《圣经》里代表完整。上帝创世用了六天,第七天歇了,意思是活儿已干完。这样他为世人立下规矩,干六天,歇一天,七天为一周。Seven is used frequently in the Bible to s2009-07-06 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】According to Greek and Roman Mythology, there were nine muses; the Hydra had nine heads; there were nine rivers of hell; when Vulcan was kicked out of heaven, he fell for nine days before2009-07-03 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:数字13 一个广为流传的迷信是13不吉利。许多饭店就不设13房间。有人不愿意在13号出发旅行,特别赶上当天是星期五。One of the most widespread superstitions is that thirteen is unluc2009-07-02 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】Forty is a mysterious number that appears frequently in the Bible. The rain of the flood fell forty days, and another forty days passed before Noah opened the window of the ark; Moses was2009-07-01 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】Friday has long been regarded as an unlucky day. People have this superstition probably because they believe that Jesus Christ was put to death on the cross on Friday, and also be2009-06-30 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】The evil eye is the power some people are supposed to have to harm people or their possessions by merely looking at them. According to superstition, an evil person who has this power may2009-06-29 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】Breaking a Mirror One of the most common superstition is that to break a mirror brings death, or seven years of bad luck. Since very early times the mirror has been used in fortunetelling2009-06-26 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:有些人认为一根火柴连点三支烟不吉利。Many people believe that lighting cigarettes for three persons from one match will bring bad luck. This superstition may have come from a2009-06-25 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】Spilling Salt Since ancient times salt has been highly valued because it can be used to preserve food, help wounds to heal, and make food tasty. At one time salt was regarded as being alm2009-06-24 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
海外文化:英美民俗-不祥之举: 室内撑伞
【英文原文】Opening an Umbrella Indoors Some people believe that opening an umbrella indoors and holding it over the head brings misfortune or death. People have given various reasons for this supers2009-06-23 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】Touching Wood The English touch wood for luck; Americans prefer to knock wood for the purpose. Some people believe this superstition reflects the early Christian worship for the wooden cr2009-06-22 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
【英文原文】Giving a Purse with Money in ItIt is the custom that when a purse or wallet is given as a gift, it has money in it. The giver wants to make sure the purse or wallet will always contain mo2009-06-19 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
海外文化:英美民俗-吉祥物: 兔爪,大蒜口袋
【英文原文】Rabbit’s Foot Some people believe that the rabbit’s foot will protect its holder against bad luck, because the rabbit is the only animal that sleeps with its eyes open, and it is in thi2009-06-18 编辑:memeyyr 标签:
马云透露阿里成功的秘诀 那就是女性员工多!
中国亿万富翁企业家马云近日向大家透露自己的成功秘诀,其中之一即公司要想成 -
清华大学新规 不会游泳就不能毕业!
今年打算进入清华大学的学生最好会游泳,否则就得准备学游泳、通过游泳考试了 - 3
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