Taboos of Chinese New Year(新年中的禁
The events that occurred during New Year's Day may impact your life for the rest of the year. Be careful in your actions. Certain precautions (预防)are taken to insure that the New Year will be a2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Lucky money(压岁钱)
压岁钱Lucky money The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spri2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Pay a New Year Call(拜年)
Pay a New Year Call An important activity during the Spring Festival is bainian (to pay a New Year call).People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Year's Day,that is, the first day o2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Temple Fair(庙会)
Temple Fair庙会 The most important holiday for the Chinese is the Chinese New Year,also called the Spring Festival. During the festival period,everyone goes back to their hometown and spends severa2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
General House Cleaning(大扫除)
General House Cleaning Preparations for the Chinese New Year in old China start well in advance of the New Year's Day. The 24th of the twelfth month is set aside for the annual housecleaning. ...2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures(贴春联) In many homes,doors and windowpanes get a new coat of red paint during the Spring Festival. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival cou2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Paper-cuts for Window Decoration(窗户上的艺术--窗花) Paper-cuts,a common folk art in China,have occupied the hearts of people since ancient times. During the Spring Festival ,Chinese people in m2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
The Origin of Spring Festival(春节
英文原文The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
节传说之三:贴春联和门神据说贴春联的习俗,大约始于一千多年前的后蜀时期,这是有史为证的。此外根据《玉烛宝典》,《燕京岁时记》等著作记载,春联的原始形式就是人们所说的“桃符”。在中国古代神话中,相传有一2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Do you know Spring Festival(春节你知
春节你知道多少? Do you know Spring Festival The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival, more commonly known in the West as Chinese New Year. Like all Chinese festivals,2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Legend of Spring Festival(春节传奇)
The Origin of Chinese New Year The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination wit2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
Custom of Spring Festival(常见春节习俗)
春联Spring Festival couplets春酒[wine brewed in spring] 春季酿制的或春季酿成的酒;也指民间习俗,春节时宴请亲友叫吃春酒春色满园[a garden full of the beauty of spring] 春日的景色充满家园。形容生机勃勃、繁2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
The Background of Spring Festiva
The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival, more commonly known in the West as Chinese New Year. Like all Chinese festivals, the date of the new year is determined by th2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
春节英文对联 对联1: Time is a vexation,come up roll n roll.时尽艰哉,岁月蹉跎事事侯。 Life is a struggle,have 2 step by 1 step.生多难也,江湖谨慎步步营。 对联2: 上联: Rose sells rose on Rose Roa2010-01-26 编辑:vicki 标签:
The origin of "nian"(年的来历)
Once upon a time ,there was a monster called “nian”。It hit people and stole people‘s things .So ,people all hate it and wanted to kill it .Because of the monster was afraid of the color of red2010-01-25 编辑:vicki 标签:
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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