1. Organise your life[qh]第一步:组织好你的经历[qh]In functional CVs, you put your skills into categoriesthen briefly list past job titles at the bottom. These are suitable for those who have been un -
These are tough economic times in America and elsewhere. If you're like me, you're saving money any way you can. I've cancelled my 2)cable, invested in a good pair of 3)binoculars and sta -
You would never hear a management consultant advise a company to create a more cutthroat environment. "You know what we need here? Fear. More backstabbing."管理咨询师绝对不会建议公司进一步激化内部已然 -
1.Be Productive[qh]工作高效[qh]Surprising your manager with peakproductivityis a surefireway to impress and prove you are a valuableassetto the company. If you feel your productivity slipping, take s -
Using the five sources of your power at work [qh]在工作中利用好你的五种资源 [qh]Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advanta -
职场双语:跳槽旺季 "裸辞"成风
Chen Xiaolin, 27, quit her job as an accountant in a PR company in Shanghai at the end of last month. She didn't have another job lined up. [qh]上个月月底,27岁的陈晓琳(音译)辞掉自己在上海一家公 -
把握你的事业 职场6字真言
If someone asked you to sum up in six words what you've learned so far about how to succeed in business, what would you say? When Smith magazine and consulting firm Mercer posed the question last -
We've done our best to identify corporations that are a pleasure to work for. But we couldn't possibly list them all. Maybe your company, too, is a party on a half shell! Take this quiz and f -
When you picture a leader, the image that usually comes to mind is someone like Jack Welch or Bill Clinton — gregarious, energized by crowds.[qh]一提起领袖人物,人们脑海中最先浮现的便是杰克·韦尔奇或 -
People with simple names enjoy quicker career advancement because hard-to-pronounce names inspire negative reactions from superiors, a study has found.[qh]一项研究表明,名字简单的人更容易得到升职,因 -
Note to recent college grads and the Class of 2012: You may not be as ready for the working world as you think you are. At least, that's the opinion of about 500 senior managers and C-suite execu -
Successful people are objective. They have realistic targets in mind. They know what they are looking for and why they are fighting for it. Successful people create and pursue S.M.A.R.T. goals.[qh] -
If you run a kayaking course or rock-climbing centre, it could be bad news.[qh]如果你开办皮划艇课程或者攀岩中心,这对你来说可能是坏消息。[qh]The majority of workers think that team-building exercises -
Your workload has increased, so have your boss's expectations. But scaling back could mean losing a job.你的工作任务更重了,老板的期望值又升高了。但退缩则可能意味着丢掉工作。 [qh]Talk about stres -
Dear Annie: The last time I looked for a new job, about four years ago, the most discouraging part of the process was applying for a position, even going through more than one interview, and then hea
2015年6大网络小说改编电视剧 哪一部是你
2015年是网络小说改编电视剧遍地开花的一年。尽管改编原著难度不小,但这 -
雾霾天停课不停学 北京孩子叫苦
北京——15岁的学生吴亦玲(音)喜爱汉堡包和Hello Kitty,当她 - 3
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