双语笑话: 牧羊人与官僚 The Shepherd and&nb
The Shepherd and the Bureaucrat A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock. The bureaucrat took a fancy to the sheep and asked the shepherd, "If I can guess ho...2011-07-21 编辑:beck 标签:
先生,在恭祝您退体之日。我们幼儿园的老师们用冰淇淋棒和闪光饰物制作了这个金表。希望您能喜欢。2011-07-21 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话: 我们是坐着相爱的
Although I had never met him, I knew that my grandfather had been five feet, six inches tall, while my stately grandmother stood five feet, eleven inches. As a teen-ager leafing through old photogra2011-07-20 编辑:beck 标签:
甲鱼:我敢肯定,正当咱们聊天的时候,我老公正在网上呢…… 乙鱼:我懂你的意思啦……我敢打赌,我家那位正在线上呢……2011-07-20 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话: 你跑到哪儿去了?
Once upon a time, there was a man who always forgot things. One day, he went out with his little son. He was so happy that he put the son ride his neck. After a time, he suddenly thought of2011-07-19 编辑:beck 标签:
Woman: 男人从不愿听女人的话,医生,我丈夫连我说的一个字都不愿意听,我只能自言自语。Woman:如果他知道我一个小时付给别人100块只为了让别人听我说话,他就会马上明白过来了。2011-07-19 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话: 耍花招 Playing A Trick
A man handed a pair of slacks to the department-store clerk. "I'd like these altered, please," he said. The clerk asked for the sales receipt, but after searching his pockets, the m...2011-07-18 编辑:beck 标签:
开心一笑:外表并不重要 Looks Aren't Everythi
一位生物老师告诉我,外表并不重要,真正重要的东西在我的里面。2011-07-18 编辑:beck 标签:
开心一笑:感谢上帝 Thank God
在办公室里,我们对每个人都得尊重。感谢上帝,对于电脑,我们还可以粗鲁一点儿。2011-07-15 编辑:beck 标签:
你必须了解上千种疾病,而我只需明确我得了哪种病。你看我们谁更专业点?2011-07-14 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话:大婴儿 The Big Baby
The Big Baby "You'll have to take care of the baby today," a woman told her husband . " I'm not feeling well." "Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear. "...2011-07-14 编辑:beck 标签:
你的主人们把你当宠物养是为了减少压力,如果你不能为主人减少压力,那么你会被控告玩忽职守, 这就是你为什么要买猫保险的原因。2011-07-13 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话:寻找伴侣 Looking For A Companio
My RoommateMy roommate was interested in a young man in her English-literature class, but she was too shy to let him know. One day she overheard him say he was on his way to the library for a certai2011-07-13 编辑:beck 标签:
双语笑话:寻找伴侣 Looking For A Companio
Looking for a companion A bachelor asked the computer to find him the perfect mate: ' I want a companion who is small and cute, loves water sports and enjoys group activities. " Back ca...2011-07-12 编辑:beck 标签:
Climate is changing.(气候在改变)(全球变暖,北极熊只好化妆成熊猫去中国)2011-07-12 编辑:beck 标签:
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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