
时间:2005-10-5 1:21:42  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
Reference:In the last ten years,...

186.带来了(许多新的变化) Reference:bring about

187.高档消费品 Reference:high-grade consumer goods

188.农副产品 Reference:farm and sideline products

189.农村剩余劳动力的转移 Reference:shift of surplus farm labor to rural enterprises

190.农作物大幅度增产,农名收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起. note:出现两个大幅度上升的意思,用什么样的技巧."异军突起"的翻译 Reference:These changes characterized by substantial increase in crop production and farmer's income and the quick rise of rural enterprises as a new force.

191.has been given the choice of... note:注意given,一定翻成给予吗? Reference:...正面临...的选择

192.It was expected that... note:形式主语It的翻译 Reference:人们希望...

193.have the freedom to (continue with their careers) note:have 和freedom的搭配 Reference:享有...的自由

194.in favour of sb./sth. Reference:支持某人(某事)

195.处于世纪之交的 Reference:at the turn of the century

196.迅速发展为... note:看到迅速的的第一反应 Reference:develop rapidly into...

197.上海金融业的发展尤为引人注目,现已逐渐形成了一个具有相当规模与影响的金融市场体系. note:"尤为",with的运用,"逐渐形成" Reference:The development of finance industry in Shanghai is particularly remarkable,with a fairly large and influential system of financial market coming into shape.

198.成了各国大银行青睐的金融黄金宝地 note:"大","青睐的","黄金宝地" Reference:become the favorite financial treasure destinations of major foreign banks

199.璀璨的 Reference:brilliant

200.远见卓识的(金融家) Reference:financiers and enterpreneurs with broad visions to...

201.位于太湖和大运河岸边的江苏省同里,离著名旅游城---苏州仅18公里. note:"位于" Reference:Lying on the bank of Taihu Lake and Grand Canal,Tonli in Jiangsu Province is 18km away from the famous tourist city of Suzhou.

202.(古镇)周围游(五个湖泊)环绕 Reference:be surrounded by criss-crossing river courses

 203.反映各朝代风格的石桥 Reference:stone bridges that were built in varied styles of different dynasties

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