That's not necessary.
除了用No之外另一句较婉转拒绝别人的常用句子是:”That’s not necessary.”(这不需要)。当你想拒绝一些不太需要的商业服务,可以说:”That’s not necessary.”表示你不需要,假如别人坚持替你做,而你也无所谓的话可说:”That’s not necessary but if you do, it would be nice.”(这并不是必须的,但如你真的要做,也是不错)。 除了That’s not necessary. 外,也可用Please don’t bother. (不要打扰)或You don’t have to. / You don’t need to. / That’s no need. 都是不需要的意思。
A: I'll give you a call after I arrive in San Francisco.
B: That's not necessary. Long distance charges are expensive. Just send me an email.
A: I'm afraid I won’t have my PC set up that soon.
B: Come on, you can find internet bars and cafes all over San Francisco.
A: That’s true.
叫人家不必做一件事,除了说:It is not necessary (for you) to do that,你当然还可以用名词need字:There is no need (for you) to do that。用need做动词则怎样说呢? Need做动词,用法比较特别。首先,它可以和普通动词一样有字尾变化,例如: You need. / He needs to do that.(你/他必须这样做)、You don’t . / He doesn’t need to do that. (你/他不必这样做)、Do you / Does he need to do that?(你/他要这样做吗?)
但在否定或疑问句里,need字有时会做辅助动词(auxiliary verb)用,和must、should等差不多,例如You / He need not do that. (=You don’t. / He doesn’t need to do that.)、Need you / he do that? (=Do you / Does he need to do that?) 这两句虽然是说现在的事,但need和he连用也不必加s。
说过去,You did not need to do that. 是说‘你不必那样做’,做了没有未见说明,need是主要动词;You need not have done that. 也是说‘你不必那样做’,但你做了,need是辅助动词。
还有一个字是必须谈谈的:necessarily。这是个副词(adverb),和形容词(adjective) necessary 同源而形似,但意思不同,解作‘必然’,常用于否定句,not necessarily即‘未必’,例如:(1) “He’ll lose.” “Not necessarily.” ( ‘他会输。’ ‘未必。’) (2) Learned people do not necessarily prosper.(有学问未必就会发)。