实用美语之爱恋篇:Romance Your lady

时间:2006-7-2 22:08:57  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
实用美语之爱恋篇:Romance Your lady

Romance Your lady!

(n.) I am in search of romance.

(v.) Romance your lady!

(n.) - What kind of movies/novels do you like?

      - I like romance.

(adj.) 1. Your boyfriend is so romantic! You are so lucky!

         2. I am a romantic fool.


Give her a care package!

Send her some flowers!

The language of flowers:

Carnation - Pride and Beauty

Daffodil - I send my regards.

Daisy - I am sorry.

Forget me not - True Love

Jasmine - You are graceful.

Lily - Purity of Heart

Orchid - You are beautiful.

Peach Blossom - I am yours.

Rose - Love

Sunflower - I adore you.

Tulip - Love

Red Tulip - Declaration of Love

Yellow Tulip - I am hopelessly in love.

Violet - I shall remain faithful.


Tips: Awesome!

-How do you like my new house?



-What do you think of that game? 



wonderful, terrific, fabulous, awesome, excellent.



1. what is "care package"?

2. Whom does cysleilei want to send the sunflowers to?

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