[科技新闻] 果迷们,亚洲最大苹果专卖店周六将在北京开业
A new Apple store scheduled to open on Saturday in Beijing will be the company's largest retail store in&n2012-10-19 编辑:spring
[职场写作] 商务英语写作范例:开业通知
为了方便居住本地之顾客,我方特在本地区开设分店,以便供应品质可靠、款式新颖、价格公道的服装。恳请惠顾。2012-11-29 编辑:kekenet
[外企员工必用英文邮件范文] 澶栦紒鍛樺伐蹇呯敤鑻辨枃閭?欢鑼冩枃 绗
世界500强员工必用的英文E-mail大全第三章职场商务,第一单元申请篇之写求职申请邮件email模板,供所有使用邮件交流的职场人士使用。2017-04-06 编辑:Alisa
[环球之旅] 世界上最大的水下餐厅即将完工开业
在挪威最南端的北海海面下5米处,欧洲第一个水下餐厅即将完工。2018-10-18 编辑:max
[关注社会] Costco上海门店开业首日 半天就被买到停业
美国会员制超市开市客(Costco)首家中国门店周二在上海开业,结果被蜂拥而来的消费者挤爆,才半天就被买到停业。茅台、爱马仕全都被抢光,门口甚至出动了近十辆警车来维持秩序。2019-08-29 编辑:Kelly
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:如何决定商家何时开业
As cities and states struggle to find the right balance between reopening and keeping people safe, the weight of those decisions fall squarely on small business owners.2020-05-29 编辑:Wendy
[环球之旅] 超酷的任天堂主题公园将于2021年开放
超酷的任天堂主题公园,将于2021年开放。2020-10-19 编辑:Kelly
[可可英语晨读] 【朗读版】耗资6亿,全球最大天文馆于上海开业
World's largest astronomy museum set to open in Shanghai The world's largest astronomy museum is opening in Shanghai, and its complex curvilinear shape has been designed to reflect the ge..2021-07-27 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 【讲解版】耗资6亿,全球最大天文馆于上海开业
World's largest astronomy museum set to open in Shanghai The world's largest astronomy museum is opening in Shanghai, and its complex curvilinear shape has been designed to reflect the ge..2021-07-27 编辑:kekechendu