[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读审题:千万不要出声读
如何能缩短托福阅读审题时间?除了抓重点词句,不出声阅读也是一项很好的节省时间方法。下面,天道留学就为您详解其中的理论依据。 我们对一个句子的理解,有很多种解释。 通常人们看到一个句子,会首先确定单2012-05-14 编辑:Daisy
[托福最新动态] 托福阅读变革仅在考试形式 强度降低
日前,美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)发布最新消息,自2011年11月1日起,微调托福考试阅读部分的结构。留学 (微博) 专家第一时间对本次变化做了解读。据了解,本次ETS对阅读部分的调整主要有三个变化:一是调整后的阅2012-05-14 编辑:Daisy
[SAT阅读辅导] SAT文章阅读方法之确定主题
SAT文章阅读考试中各种题目的解答都是以大家所了解的主题为前提条件的。所以确定主题在SAT文章阅读考试中就显得尤为重要。下面天道小编据为大家整理了关于如何确定主题的SAT文章阅读方法,希望能对大家有所帮助2012-05-04 编辑:echo
[一级阅读完形] 2012公共英语一级考试阅读难点指导(17)
I got a great job offer.现在就业市场竞争激烈,要找一份合适兼待遇优厚的工作一点也不容易。如果你很幸运觅得一份好工,你可高兴地告诉别人:I got a great job offer.(我获得一份很好的工作)。一份梦寐以求的工2012-05-08 编辑:echo
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:病毒基因已经变得非常廉价
Microbiologist Paul Keim at the ScienceWriters2011 conference in Flagstaff on October 16 explained that sequencing a pathogen's genome has dropped in 10 years from $500,000 to as low as $10.2012-05-22 编辑:richard
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读背景知识:jazz的完整历史
The roots of jazz The folk songs and plantation dance music of black Americans contributed much to early jazz. These forms of music occurred throughout the Southern United States during the late 12012-05-16 编辑:Daisy
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读背景知识:Lava George Washington (1732-99)
了解托福阅读文章的一些背景知识,对于提高托福阅读做题准确率,拓展知识储备都很有好处,为大家带来托福阅读背景知识,希望对大家有所帮助。 the first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to succ2012-05-16 编辑:Daisy
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:开心工作的十二条秘诀
Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well. Some of these steps are VERY small, but the2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:美国城市压力排行,芝加哥居首
An image of Chicago. A survey by Harris Interactive found Chicago is the most stressed city in the nation. Striving to attain that perfect life, work balance? You're not alone, but if you2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:奥巴马就职演讲
My fellow citizens: 我的同胞们: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank Presid2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[四级阅读训练] 2012年英语四级考试仔细阅读练习(10)
Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fo2012-05-22 编辑:Daisy
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:五招教你远离疲劳
我们可不倡导靠咖啡因和烟来帮你撑过疲劳时段,以下的这些小方法也许不那么立竿见影、但却绝对健康。而等你真的都做到了,一定会发现自己活力十足。 Give up smoking 疲倦时不抽烟 Apart from the well-known2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:英国饮食文化之早餐篇
Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cu2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:美国人有哪些手机礼节?
Unspoken rules govern cell phone etiquette People are using cell phones in a Manhattan subway. Most Americans believe there are unspoken rules about mobile phone etiquette, accorind to an online p2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:日航空公司要求乘客登机前上厕所
日航空公司要求乘客登机前上厕所Japanese airline asks fliers to flush first Passenger jets of Japan's air carrier All Nippon Airways are seen parked on the tarmac at Tokyo International Airp2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思阅读辅导] 雅思双语阅读:知名品牌英文广告词欣赏
1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead Others copy. 我们领2012-05-16 编辑:rainbow
[四级阅读训练] 2012年6月英语四级快速阅读每日一练(5.24)
快速阅读Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices ma2012-05-24 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读综合辅导] 2012年6月英语四级阅读:尽情享美食不发胖秘籍
Do your homework 做好准备工作Learn how many calories your body needs per day when taking into account your lifestyle and activity level, and plan your meals for the the day--if you have a big breakfa2012-05-24 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读训练] 2012年6月英语四级深度阅读每日一练(5.24)
Scientists say they have discovered hints of alien life on the Saturn’s moon. The discovery of a sort of life was announced after researchers at the US space agency,NASA,analyzed data from space2012-05-24 编辑:Daisy
[SAT阅读辅导] SAT长篇文章阅读的答题方法
下面为大家整理的是关于SAT长篇文章阅读方法的相关内容,总结了关于SAT长篇文章的特点和阅读重点的介绍等内容。天道小编提醒考生在使用这些方法的时候,一定要针对不同的文章特点使用有不同的侧重点。 SAT阅2012-05-16 编辑:echo