[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第1期:英格兰的掌权者
It was the hand of God that decided the outcome of battles,是上帝决定了战斗的胜负the fate of nations and the life or death of kings.Everyone knew that.国家的兴衰和国王的生死 这一点妇孺皆知2016-07-19 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第2期:开启另一个时代
For the most part, history moves at a glacial pace,working its changes subtly.多数时候 历史是在缓慢的进程中 悄然变化着2016-07-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第3期:伦敦的小镇
But the everyday can rub shoulders with the genuinely catastrophic.却无一天不面临着灭顶的危险 Yes, the grass grew green again,but now there were bones beneath the buttercups诚然 野草会逢春再绿 但在毛茛之下却埋着皑皑白骨2016-07-21 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第4期:截然不同的世界
But with Canute's death in 1035 began a chain of events that would culminate in the one invasion1035年 卡纽特的死引发了一系列事件 并最终以一次入侵而告终2016-07-22 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第5期:虔诚的宗教活动
We tend to think of Edward the Confessor as the quintessential Anglo-saxon king.我们倾向于把忏悔者爱德华看作 一个典型的盎格鲁撒克逊国王2016-07-23 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第6期:改写不列颠的历史
this was Edward's home,and while he was here a child was growing up who would change the course of British history.这里就是爱德华的家 在此 一个孩童长大成人 并将改写不列颠的历史2016-07-24 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第7期:摆脱政敌的机会
Edward must have marvelled at the way the stripling boy grew into a steely and ruthless young man,爱德华肯定惊讶于 这个小男孩如何长成了一个冰冷残酷的年轻人2016-07-25 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第8期:局势变得扑朔迷离
Impotence, though, has its uses.Godwine clearly had ambitions for the future.尽管如此 无为并不等于无用 戈德温显然是个野心勃勃的人2016-07-26 编辑:kahn
[趣图妙语] 你可能不知道的史上十大真实事件
有证据显示远从公元1097年开始就有人在牛津大学讲学。虽然牛津大学并没有官方建校日期,但是从1167年亨利二世禁止英国学生在巴黎大学就读开始,这个学校就开始迅速发展。2016-07-27 编辑:max
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第9期:一位迷人的英雄
Maybe it was to rescue his younger brother,Wulfstan, who had been taken hostage by William也许他是想去营救 被威廉扣作人质的弟弟 沃尔夫斯坦2016-07-27 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第10期:陷入陌生地的情景
The embroiderers make it dramatically clear that Harold and his men now find themselves in an alien world.绣女们将哈罗德和手下 陷入陌生地的情景 栩栩如生地展现了出来2016-07-28 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第11期:英格兰将何去何从
To the medieval mind,there was nothing more serious than an oath,在中世纪人看来 宣誓是最为庄重严肃的事and the tapestry maker makes it clear that this was a religious act而挂毯的制作者 让一位目击者手指"圣礼"字样2016-07-29 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第12期:迎来两难的选择
Tostig was the Earl of Northumbria and also the family hothead,诺森比亚伯爵托斯提戈 在家族中向来鲁莽and had managed to provoke a northern rebellion against him.曾挑起过一次北部叛乱2016-07-30 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第13期:新国王的加冕礼
The winter of 1065 was marked by tremendous gales1065年冬天 因为一场飓风which destroyed churches and uprooted great trees.教堂顷刻覆灭 大树拔根而起2016-07-31 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第14期:信心满满的国王
A Norman historian has William hearing the news while out hunting.一位诺曼的历史学家 告知了外出打猎的威廉When the Duke heard the news, he became as a man outraged.公爵听闻这消息之后 他变得狂躁暴怒2016-08-01 编辑:kahn
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第一集反抗者01:新世界的建立
TEXT:Shiploads of businessmen and true believers are crossing the Atlantic Ocean to create a new world. May 1610. 120 years after Columbus, it's still a perilous journey. One ship, The Deliv2012-07-02 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《女王的一生》第47期:天主教的殉道者
All her adult life, Elizabeth had been spooked by her fascinating, infuriating cousin,自成年以来 伊丽莎白一直被 她那令人又爱又恨的表侄女搅得心神不宁2017-01-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第15期:令人敬畏的远征军
So the Duke went to strategy number two,turning the matter into an international crusade.于是公爵决定用备选策略 将其发展成一次国际征讨2016-08-02 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第16期:军事指挥才能
Packed so tightly into the boats they supported each other,马匹被紧紧系在船上 互相靠着were perhaps 6,000 horses, three for each knight.总共可能有六千匹 每名骑士三匹2016-08-03 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《征服》第17期:赢得挪威国王的支持
Tostig, together with the Norwegian king, Harold Hardrada,托斯提戈 连同挪威国王哈罗德·哈得尔达had landed in Northumbria with as many as 12,000 men.带着一万两千名士兵在诺森比亚登陆2016-08-04 编辑:kahn