[十分钟翻译训练] 笔译中级备考之十秒钟翻译训练(8)
The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be2008-09-13 编辑:Alice
[十分钟翻译训练] 笔译中级备考之十秒钟翻译训练(7)
With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding(此处可以理解为“无比的”) determination of our people 因此,胜利必定属于我们,愿上帝保佑我们 单词: Inevitable adj. 不可避免的,必2008-09-13 编辑:Alice
[十分钟翻译训练] 笔译中级备考之十秒钟翻译训练(6)
“I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.” And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could2008-09-13 编辑:Alice
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译听力原文评析完整版
[1] Spot-Dictation[2] Statements [3] Talks & Conversation [4] Talks & Conversation [5] Passage Translation Spot-Dictation今年是令十三亿中国人骄傲自豪的奥运年,而与时俱进的中级口译考试当仁不让地将奥运2008-03-18 编辑:admin
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译听力多选原文
[1] Q11-14听力原文:Now , you are looking for an flat in this area, correct? Yeah, that's right.And, how much are you prepared to pay?Well, I can pay up to six hundred pounds a month if I have to.We2008-03-18 编辑:admin
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译听力Statement
Section 1-Part B Statement Sentence No. 1Diana is working as a sales person for an insurance company this summer. It is a tough job, and she gets to be outdoors from time to time, but the pay is desc2008-03-18 编辑:admin
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译听力Spot Dictation原文(昂立版)
Section 1 -Spot dictation How did the Olympic Games start? In ancient Greece, athletic festivals were very important and have strong religious associations. Originally, the festival was held in honor2008-03-18 编辑:admin
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译听译原文及答案(昂立版)
Sentence Translation1、 Most people are too anxious during tests. Such anxiety makes them less efficient than normal. As a result, their scores are much lower than they expected. 大多数人在考试中都很2008-03-18 编辑:admin
[中级口译历年真题] 2008年春季中级口译英翻中原文及答案(新东方版)
作者:Sherry,上海新东方口译研究中心成员,高级口译翻译明星教师,高级同声翻译;惠瑾,上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员,中级口译翻译明星教师。高级同声翻译原文:Imagine you have two candidates for a job.2008-03-17 编辑:admin