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  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:苹果iPad让你一触钟情?

    Finally tonight a new product launch. The last time there was this much fuss over a tablet, well, it was a long time ago. Today Apple came out with its new half inch thick electronic tablet, a kind

    2012-02-24 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:你继续危机,我继续奖金

    And now we turn to the drama unfolding here in Washington. Tomorrow marks the first public meeting of what's called the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a panel set up by Congress, a lot like

    2012-02-23 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:最幽默的女人琼·里弗斯谈整容


    2012-02-22 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:美国当红女模特凯特·阿普顿


    2012-02-21 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:九岁女童募款送温暖

    美国9岁小女孩凯蒂身体力行告诉大家:行善一点都不困难,从自己做起,从点滴开始,世界会因此充满爱,处处有温暖。So, Katie, you are just nine years old, right?所以,凯蒂,你只不过才九岁了,对吗?

    2012-02-20 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:克楼拉巴特拉的整容誓言

    Can you imagine yourself within the mirror, saying perfect?你能想象镜子中的你,对自己说完美吗?I feel that way, now.我有这样的感觉,现在。Really?真的吗?I really do feel that way.

    2012-02-17 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:甜心瑞茜·威瑟斯彭与妈妈的趣事

    金发美女瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在《律政俏佳人》中魅力四射的表演使他一举成名,成为好莱坞新一代的美国甜心。今天,看看她给大家分享了她与妈妈之间的什么趣事吧。Yes,your day.是的,这是你的时代。

    2012-02-16 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:朝鲜为政权交接铺路?

    In the secret world of North Korea, politics does not get much bigger than this, a rare meeting at the workers' party. And the expectation is who could set the scene for the handover of power

    2012-02-14 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:叛逆,怪癖,伯克利

    So last week I spoke at my old school, UC Berkeley. The city is as delightful as ever, a mix of fall leaves, bright sun and tramp feces. But now thinking back to my arrival there as a freshman 25

    2012-02-13 编辑:mike

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