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  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:歌手Jewel的公益广告

    From Hollywood, it is Jimmy Kimmel live.来自好莱坞,这里是吉米·齐莫的现场直播节目。Jewel, the singer Jewel was supposed to be on the competition diner. Unfortunately, she got hurt

    2012-02-10 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:网上约会渐流行

    你有过网上约会的经历吗?现在很流行网上约会。人们可以快速地在网上约会另一半,这也为商人们提供了商机。阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的教授解释网上约会流行的原因。[qh]I think the popularity of online dating has

    2012-02-09 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:年度最可爱的机器人

    What is the premise at the very beginning of the film, what has happened?电影最初的设想是怎么样的,有什么趣事发生吗?We er… bought so much stuff, that we just filled up the world with trash

    2012-02-08 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:大学篮球教练老婆涉嫌与球员有非常关系

    锡拉丘兹大学前助理教练Bernie Fine的老婆Laurie Fine 涉嫌与球员发生过非常关系,而当时他们还是球童。球员Davis称Laurie Fine与多名球员曾有过关系,并且这是大家都知道的事,是大家茶余饭后的笑点。Davis

    2012-02-07 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:美国青年因蓄长发休课在家

    长发的烦恼,密歇根17岁青年贾斯金一直蓄着头发,准备头发留长了捐给一慈善机构。学校因他不修整头发而责令其停课在家。At Wednesday afternoon J.T. Gaskins should be at school ,he is not sick on break

    2012-02-06 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:采访和奥巴马一起打球的兄弟

    I've known Barak maybe 12 ,15 years. He is really a good ball player. I think he's part of it , represents the next generation that part of that is the guy I surround to support.

    2012-02-03 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:史上最牛的童子军

    Live saving, first aid..拯救生命,急救。Shawn Goldsmith is the most highly decorated that Eagle scout can be. The 18-year-old he has earned every single merit badge there is, all 121 of them.

    2012-02-02 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:即使是旅行也可以拥有精致妆容

    Bobbie Thomas!鲍比·托马斯!Hi~嗨~Our Bobbie Buzz.我们的鲍比的粉丝。You are beautiful as usual你还是像往常一样美丽动人。She is unbelievable. …gets love

    2012-02-01 编辑:mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:"心理治疗"狗帮助大学生减压

    OK, so you are in charge of the resident advisors there at Miller Hall.好吧,那么你将负责米勒大厅那里居民的顾问。Right.好的。Now you have only been there this one semester so this is

    2012-01-31 编辑:mike

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