[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alternative
AlternativeOf all the thirty-six alternatives, running away is best. But don’t run too far.三十六计走为上策,但不要跑得太远。注:走只是暂时的,最终还是要回来面对问题,解决问题。2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alter
AlterIt has been said that although God cannot alter the past, historians[历史学家] can.据说尽管上帝不能改变过去,历史学家可以。注:有些历史是历史学家编的。2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alphabet
AlphabetTeacher: Jeremy, please use “I” in a sentence.Jeremy: I is ---Teacher: Don’t say “I is.” Say “I am”.Jeremy: Okay. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.老师:Jeremy, 请用“I”造个句。J2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Ally
AllyBeauty and the desire for learning have yet to be allied.美丽和学习的欲望还没有结合起来。注:世界各地都一样,漂亮女孩子一般都不爱学习。2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Allowance
AllowanceA teenager sent his girl friend his first orchid[兰花] with this note: “With all my love and most of my allowance.一个十几岁的男孩子第一次给他的女朋友送兰花,附着一张纸条:“带着我所有的爱和2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alike
AlikeFirst law of Laboratories: Hot glass and cold glass look alike!实验室第一法则:热玻璃杯和冷玻璃杯看起来是一样的。注:说这句话的人的手肯定被热玻璃杯烫过。2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alert
AlertOf course, I’m listening. I’m in a heightened state of alert.我当然在听,我处在高度警觉状态。注:女孩儿埋怨男朋友没有认真听她说话,男孩儿这么说。表示他不仅在听,而且还很警觉,怕哪句话答错了,让2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alcohol
AlcoholYour doctor has found traces of blood in your alcohol stream.你的医生在你的酒精系统里发现一些血液。注:医生如果对你这么说,那说明你喝酒的问题已经很严重了。已经不是“血液里有些酒精”的问题了,而2008-03-15 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Alarm
AlarmWhat we didn’t have but obviously needed was an alarmist.我们都不是大惊小怪的人,但我们明显需要一位。注:班上比较沉闷,老师这么说。Mother: Doctor, you’ve got help my son. He thinks he’s a smo2008-03-15 编辑:admin