[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Ancestor
AncestorShe's always late. Her ancestors arrived on the June Flower. 她总是迟到,她的祖先乘六月花号到达。注:美洲大陆第一批人是乘May Flower号船到达的。这里是说她们家祖上就有迟到的习惯,别人的祖先都坐2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Analyse
AnalyseAnalyzing humor is like dissecting [解剖] a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies.分析幽默就象解剖青蛙,很少有人感兴趣,青蛙还死了。注:幽默是很难分析解释的,很多幽默解释以后就没韵2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Amuse
AmuseIf you find life a bit dull at home, and want to amuse yourself, put a stick of dynamite[黄色炸药] in the kitchen fire.如果你感觉家里有点儿枯燥,想娱乐一下自己,就在厨房里火上放一管炸药吧。注:有2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Amount
AmountOne horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second.一马力是一秒内把一匹马拽500英尺的能量。注:多么形象的比喻,可能不太准确。拽大马和拽小马能量肯定是不一样的。2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Ambulance
ambulanceWe're atheist - in case of accident call an ambulance. 我们是无神论者——发生事故时,叫救护车。注:汽车标贴。可能是讽刺唯心主义者“你们发生了交通事故,也不靠上帝,也得叫救护车。”场景再现:2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Ambition
AmbitionI guess Mr. Goldwater figures why should the lazy loafers be supported by people like him who have had the ambition and intelligence to inherit a department store.我猜想Goldwater先生在想为什么2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Ambassador
AmbassadorAn ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.大使是为了国家的利益被派往国外说谎的老实人。注:不说谎的外交官很少,但很多外交官的人格是没有问题的。我保证。2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Amaze
AmazeThere’s a small boy whose duty it is to forget to bring the newspaper every day. He’s amazingly reliable, so I generally go fetch it myself.有个小男孩,他的责任是每天忘记送报纸。他是令人惊奇地2008-03-17 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Amateur
AmateurThe artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts[折磨] amateurs.艺术家的气质是一种折磨业余爱好者的疾病。注:业余爱好者老想学习艺术家的气质,却怎么也学不来,只好留个长头发来表现一下。喜欢幽默2008-03-15 编辑:admin