[创意生活] 创意生活:薄荷糖与气体饮料混合的奇妙效果
From this instructional video you will learn how to expertly execute the frozen mentos Prank, You know what happens when You mix Diet Coke and Mentos, Now Add a twist to it by freezing them. Check i2012-01-16 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:揭秘火柴跳跃的魔术
Step 1: The Trick 第一步:魔术展示 Today I will show you a trick called the jumping match. The only thing you will need is two matches. Now watch closely. I gently hold a match like this and2012-01-13 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:减肥的几个小贴士
Do not go on a diet change your diet 不要为了节食而改变你的饮食习惯 All you have to do is eat less, eat better and do more. [qh]你所要做的就是少吃,吃好以及做得更多。Change the way you2012-01-11 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:如何玩经典的啤酒游戏
Fill the beer glass. 首席在杯中倒入啤酒。 Try to bounce the quarter off the table to get it into the beer filled glass… either by dropping it on its side or bouncing it flat on the table.2012-01-09 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:揭秘经典的汤匙弯曲魔术
Step 1: The Trick第一步:魔术再现 Take a spoon, hold right here, and watch. Watch how it is getting softer and softer, and actually it is bending, it is bending and, it bends.2012-01-04 编辑:mike
[趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:让生活亮起来~
Take my beloved with me!时刻都带着我的宝贝!bloody scene of crime血腥的犯罪现场role play戏中戏bottle shoes瓶子鞋every different龙生九子,各有不同instant noodle in watermelon西瓜速食面miniature umbrel2011-12-31 编辑:jasmine
[创意生活] 创意生活:如何在游戏中打败你的孩子
Choose the game carefully 仔细选择游戏 Do not challenge your child at a game he already owns, he will know more about it than you ever will. Instead, take this fight into more comfortable te2011-12-31 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:打破水下魔方世界纪录,只用一口气,你敢吗?
Step 1: Lube Your Cube 第一步:润滑你的魔方 It is easy to move a cube around above water, but below, the water can make the plastic stickier, and harder to handle. Spray the cube with2011-12-30 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:揭秘人体浮空魔术的奥秘
Impressive and amazing magic trick revealed. You`ll be able to do it anywhere, amaze friends and family. 令人印象深刻的,令人惊叹的神奇魔术现在到了揭秘时刻!你可以在任何地方表演,让朋友和家人为之震2011-12-29 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 创意生活:戴蝴蝶领结的最简便方法
Easy way to tie a bow tie. [qh]这是戴蝴蝶领结的最简便方法,还等什么,赶快拿出你的领结跟着视频学习吧。2011-12-28 编辑:mike