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  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第106讲:保险(1)

    1.Auto insurance 汽车保险A: I heard that you bought a new car. Did you get your auto insurance?B: Actually I bought a new used car. Yes, I did.A:我听说你买了一辆新车,你买了汽车保险吗?B:其实我买的

    2008-10-09 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第105讲:商法(2)

    1.Foreign investment 外商投资A: Is foreign investment encouraged in China?B: Yes. China wants to attract as much investment as possible. A:中国是否鼓励外商投资?B:是的,中国想要尽可能吸引投资。 2.M

    2008-10-09 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第104讲:商法(1)

    1.Audit 查账,认证A: Who is coming to audit today?B: Our parent company.A:今天谁来查账啊?B:总公司。 2.Board of Directors 董事会A: Who forms our Board of Directors? B: Representatives from both sid

    2008-10-08 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第103讲:建立合资公司(2)

    1.Market analysis 市场分析A: Are these specialized companies for market analysis?B: Yes. I can provide you some contacts if you need.A:有专门的市场分析公司吗?B:是的,如果你需要,我可以给你一些联系

    2008-10-08 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第102讲:建立合资公司(1)

    1.Background information 背景信息A: Can we have detailed background information for this joint venture?B: Of course. I'll get it to you ASAP.A:能告诉我们关于这个合资公司的背景信息吗?B:当然,我会尽

    2008-10-07 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第101讲:商务谈判(2)

    1.Price Cut 降价A: For this year, we want to start a new round of price cut.B: We knew already, but just didn't konw how much you want to cut.A:今年我们要开始新一轮的降价。B:我们已经知道了,但是不

    2008-10-07 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第100讲:商务谈判(1)

    1.Customer satisfaction 客户满意度A: How do you guarantee the customer satisfaction?Sometimes they have unreasonable requests.B: The way is always to say "yes" to a customer, but the "yes&..

    2008-10-06 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第99讲:发明与专利(2)

    1.Novel and practical 新颖实用 A: Who decides if the patent application is novel and practical?B: The Patent Committee.A:谁来决定专利申请是否新颖实用?B:专利委员会。 2.Patent infringement 侵犯专利权

    2008-10-06 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第98讲:发明与专利(1)

    1.Application of patent 申请专利A: When should I apply for a patent if I have an invention?B: It has to be within one year after you've shown your invention publicly.A:如果我有一项发明,什么时候适

    2008-10-06 编辑:admin

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