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  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第88讲:信息部(3)

    1.Modem 猫(调制解调器)A: Did you buy a modem with your new computer?B: You are out of date. Modem is standard now on computers.A:你的新电脑买“猫”了吗?B:你落伍了,现在“猫”是电脑的标准配置之一

    2008-09-24 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第87讲:信息部(2)

    1.Intranet 企业内部网 A: Did we put up a website on the company Intranet?B: Yes. It's recevied very well in the company.A:我们在公司内部网上建网页了吗?B:是的, 在公司内很受欢迎。 2.Keyboard 键盘A

    2008-09-24 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第86讲:信息部(1)

    1.Byte 字节A: What is a byte?B: A byte is the space needed to store one letter in the computer.A:字节是什么?B:一字节就是计算机中需要储存一个字母所需的空间。 2.Computer language 计算机语言A: What c

    2008-09-22 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第85讲:采购(1)

    .Buyer 采购员 A: Who is the buyer on this program?B: Lisa Yang.A:谁是这个项目的采购员?B:杨丽莎。 2.Destination charge 运费A: How much is the destination charge for this car?B: One hundred and ten

    2008-09-22 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第84讲:质量(2)

    1.Impact strength 冲击强度 A: How is the impact strength related to static strength?B: They are usually inversely proportional.A:冲击强度和静强度是什么关系?B:他们一般都是成反比的。 2.Material cert

    2008-09-21 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第83讲:质量(1)

    1.Chart 图表A: Do you like to use a chart to tabulate the data?B: I do. It adds some comparison to the data.A:你喜欢用图表来统计数据吗?B:是啊,这样会对数据有个比较。 2.Checklist 检查清单A: Do you

    2008-09-21 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第82讲:安全(2)

    1.Safety barrier 安全防护栏 A: It is easy to cut hands on this machine.B: We built a safety barrier already. I will put it on this afternoon.A:这个机器很容易切到手。B:我们已经做了安全防护栏,我今天

    2008-09-21 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第81讲:安全(1)

    1.Electric outlets 电源A: We need to be careful with these electric outlets.B: Yeah, they don't look safe.A:我们要小心这些电源。B:是啊,看起来就不怎么安全。 2.Fire alarm 火警A: Is the fire alarm w

    2008-09-21 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第80讲:维修维护

    1.Express delivery 快递 A: The motor on Line 49 was down.B: We ordered the motor already, and it will be sent to us by express delivery.A:49号生产线的发动机坏了。B:我们已经订了发动机了,很快就会给我

    2008-09-19 编辑:admin

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