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  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第97讲:合同(2)

    1.Legal issues 法律问题 A: Who is going to help us if there are any legal issues?B: We have a company lawyer to deal with that.A:如果遇到法律问题,谁来帮助我们啊?B:会有公司的律师来处理。2.Notarize

    2008-10-05 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第96讲:合同

    1.Contract law 合同法A: Is there a contract law in China to govern all the contracts?B: You bet. All the disputes will be governed by the Contract Law of China.A:中国有管理合同的合同法吗?B:有的,

    2008-10-05 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第95讲:储运

    1.Custom broker 报关商 A: Why do we need a custom broker?B: They can get the shipment released quicker than we do.A:我们为什么需要报关商?B:因为他们可以帮助我们更快地通关。 2.Delivery time 交货期A:

    2008-10-02 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第94讲:产品包装(2)

    1.Plastic cover 塑料包装A: Does the furniture have to be delivered with plastic cover?B: No. They all need to be packed in the boxes.A:这些家具必须用塑料包着运送吗?B:不是,得用箱子包装。 2.Stack

    2008-10-02 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第93讲:产品包装(1)

    1.Conveyor 传送带 A: I like your conveyor in the shipping area.B: Yeah. They load the finished products directly to the trucks.A:我喜欢你送货区的传送带。B:是的,这些设备可以直接将成品装车。 2.Heigh

    2008-10-02 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第92讲:财务会计(3)

    1.Overhead cost 管理费用A: What are the overhead cost?B: Overhead costs are the indirect costs to be shared by a product.A:管理费用是什么意思?B:管理费用是指要分摊到产品中的营运费用/经常性开支。 2

    2008-09-28 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第91讲:财务会计(2)

    1.Debt 债务 A: What are the debts of a company?B: Debts include loans, AP, goods received without payment, etc.A:公司债务指什么?B:债务包括贷款、应付账款、未付款的采购件等等。 2.Fiscal year 财政年度

    2008-09-28 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第90讲:财务会计(1)

    1.Accountant 会计A: So you sound like an accountant.B: I'm a certified public account (CPA).A:听上去你像是一个会计师。B:我是个注册会计师。 2.Appreciation 增值A: Could an asset appreciate?B: It cou

    2008-09-25 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第89讲:项目管理

    1.Critical path 关键途径 A: What is the critical path of a program?B: It's the arrangement of events that control the overall program timing.A:一个项目的关键途径是指什么?B:是指控制整个项目时间进程

    2008-09-25 编辑:admin

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