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  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第70讲:商务(3)

    1.Proposal 企划书 A: When is the proposal due?B: It's due Thursday next week.A:企划书什么时候必须出?B:定的是下周四。 2.Quotation 报价A: Have we got the quotation ready?B: It is ready. We just nee

    2008-09-09 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第69讲:商务(2)

    1.Change of order 改订单A: How do you process a change of order?B: You'd better look at the contract and make sure the order is changeable.A:更改订单的程序是怎样的?B:你最好看看合同,确认订单是可以

    2008-09-09 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第68讲:商务(1)

    1.Advertised index 广告目录 A: In the magazine, how do you find an advertisement for a company?B: There is an advertised index on the back of the magazine.A:在杂志上怎样能找到一个公司的广告呢?B:杂

    2008-09-08 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第67讲:制造工程(2)

    1.Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM) 计算机辅助制造A: Is CAM used in China?B: Yes,it has been uesd in China for almost twenty years.A:在中国有使用CAM的吗?B:有啊,在中国使用已经将近20年了。 2.Hot w

    2008-09-08 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第66讲:制造工程(1)

    1.Bending 弯曲 A: What kind of parts do you usually need to bend?B: Tubular parts or stampings.A:什么样的零件一般需要进行弯曲加工?B:管状零件或冲压件。 2.Cycle time 工作周期A: What is the cycle tim

    2008-09-07 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第65讲:产品开发(3)

    1.Prototype 试制,样件A: Are we still in the prototype?B: Yes,but we still go into production in three months.A:我们还属于试制阶段吗?B:是啊,但我们会在三个月内进入生产阶段。 2.Product specificati

    2008-09-07 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第64讲:产品开发(2)

    1.Design change 设计更改 A: How do we decide if we need to implement a design change?B: If it relates to safety, we have to implement it.A:我们怎么确认是否要进行设计更改?B:如果关系到安全问题,我们

    2008-09-05 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第63讲:产品开发(1)

    1.Assembly 总成A: What is an assembly exactly?B: Assembly is a component made of more than one part.A:总成到底是什么?B:总成是由一个以上零件组成的部件。 2.A-Surface A级表面A: What about A-Surface?B

    2008-09-05 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第62讲:人力资源(2)

    1.Notice 通知 A: If you want to resign, how long of a notice you need to give the company?B: Four weeks of notice.A:要是想辞职,要提前多少时间告诉公司?B:提前四周。 2.Pay raise 涨工资,工资增长比例

    2008-09-04 编辑:admin

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