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  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第79讲:战略规划(2)

    1.Obstacles 障碍A: Any obstacles for our growth in the next five years?B: This is what I want to talk to you.A:我们未来五年的增长有什么障碍吗?B:我正想和你谈这个问题呢。 2.Operations optimization 优

    2008-09-19 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第78讲:战略规划(1)

    1.Brainstorming 头脑风暴 A: Why do we do brainstorming?B: The objective is to generate a maximum number of potentially usable ideas in a minimum of time.A:我们为什么要头脑风暴?B:头脑风暴的目的是在

    2008-09-13 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第77讲:运营(2)

    1.Labor head count 人工数A: What is the labor head count in this plant?B: Two hundred and fifty seven.A:这个工厂的人工数是多少?B:257人。 2.Plant layout 工厂布置A: Have we finished the plant layout

    2008-09-13 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第76讲:运营(1)

    1.Assembly line 装配线 A: How many workers are on assembly line?B: Thirty nine total.A:装配线上有多少工人?B:一共39名。 2.Bar code 条形码A: Bar code is so popular these days.B: I know. Walt-Mart wo

    2008-09-12 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第75讲:市场开发(2)

    1.Facelift 翻版A: What is the KT program?B: It's just a facelift of the KS car.A:KT项目是什么?B:只是KS车的翻版。 2.Immerging market 潜在市场A: Where do you see the immerging market in the world?B

    2008-09-12 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第74讲:市场开发(1)

    1.Facelift 翻版A: What is the KT program?B: It's just a facelift of the KS car.A:KT项目是什么?B:只是KS车的翻版。 2.Immerging market 潜在市场A: Where do you see the immerging market in the world?B

    2008-09-11 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第73讲:销售(3)

    1.ROS (Return on sales) 销售利润A: How about return on sales?B: 12%.A:销售利润是多少?B:12%。 2.Sales agreement 销售协议A: We had the price agreement with the customer now. How about the sales agre

    2008-09-11 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第72讲:销售(2)

    1.Discount 折扣 A: The customer is asking for a discount. How much is the limit?B: Don't go over ten percent.A:客户在要求打折,多少是上限?B:不要超过10%。 2.Good deal 划算、好交易A: I just bought

    2008-09-10 编辑:admin

  • [每日商务口语] 商务口语第71讲:销售(1)

    1.Cash award 现金奖励A: How about cash award to push the sales?B: We can consider that. But how much should we offer?A:用现金奖励来推动销售怎么样?B:可以考虑,但给多少呢? 2.Close the deal 完成交易

    2008-09-10 编辑:admin

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