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[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:生活问题
343. 如果不解决这些人的生活问题,社会就无法安定。 [误] There will be no social stability unless these peopl\'s living problems have been solved. [正] There will be no social stability unless these

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:花茶
342. 玛丽姨妈最喜欢喝花茶了,所以妈妈让我多带些给她。 [误] Flower tea is Aunt Mary\'s favorite, so Mom asked me to bring a lot to her. [正] Scented tea is Aunt Mary\'s favorite, so Mom asked me t

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:这件事
341. 这件事告诉我们,他并不像我们想象的那样诚实。 [误] This tells us that he is not so honest as we thought. [正] This shows that he is not so honest as we thought.注:中文用的是拟人的修辞手法,但在这

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:虎父无犬子
340. 虎父无犬子。 [误] A father like a tiger will not have a son like a dog. [正] A wise goose never lays a tame egg.注:英美人看了第一句译文也许会无知所云,或者感到好笑。而第二个句子与中文的意思大致

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:君子之交淡如水
339. 君子之交淡如水。 [误] The friendship between gentlemen is as tasteless as water. [正] The friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal.注:中国人用水来表示纯洁,但英美人习惯用水晶来比喻。而

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:站票
338. 他们去的时候只有站票了。 [误] There were only standing tickets available when they went there. [正] There were standing-room-only tickets available when they went there.注:“站票”不是指票是站着

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:副教授
337. 他这么年轻就已经当上了英语系的副教授。 [误] Young as he is, he has become a vice-professor in English department. [正] Young as he is, he has become an associate professor in English department.

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:不正之风
336. 不正之风不能长。 [误] We shouldn\'t let bad winds develop. [正] Bad practice should not be promoted.注:“不正之风”在这里有比喻意义,是“不良风气”和“错误做法”的意思,所以不能翻译成 bad win

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:朦胧诗
335. 朦胧诗在当时十分流行。 [误] Vague poems were very popular at that time. [正] Misty poems were very popular at that time.注:misty 指像隔着一层薄雾一样,隐隐约约地只见轮廓,但看不真切,却给人无限

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo
