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Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.

  Admittedly, nowadays some people think that it is a waste of money to travel and we should save money for our future to have a better life, we cannot deny the fact that traveling is becoming more and more popular among people. In my opinion, it is better to spend money on traveling than just save it in the bank.

  First of all, traveling is a great way of relaxing after long period of hard work and could lead us to work more efficiently afterwards. Under the pressure of intense competing, people are constantly working hard to make money day by day without caring about their health. Spending some money on a vacation could be the good choice to relax both their body and brain. Moreover, people can reenergize after taking a wonderful tour to some fascinating places, which could help people to focus on their work with more passion and make more money.

  Secondly, you can enjoy yourself in the moment instead of saving money for the future. Don't say that you are always occupied with work and left no time to accompany you family so that you can save more money for their future in case of some kind of emergency. Your family needs your companion not your money, so you should scheduling more time with them, such as take a vacation. There is an interesting story about a fisherman: A man went to the beach and saw a fisherman lying in the boat. Then he asked him that why he didn't go out to the sea to go fishing like the other fishermen. The fisherman said, "Why must I go fishing now?" The man answered, "You can catch lots of fish and make lots of money, and then you will have a richer life and enjoy the sunshine comfortably everyday." The fisherman laughed and said, "I am enjoying the sunshine now!"

  Besides, the money used for traveling will not be too much if you arrange your deposit properly. Compared to the money saved in your account, it is really a small part, even if you go abroad. It is possible to spend some money for traveling and save the rest of the money in the bank at the same time.

  To draw a conclusion, it is much better to spend money on traveling on a vacation with your family or friends to relax your mind and body. Meanwhile, you can also save the rest of money to guarantee your next traveling as well as your future.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

efficiently [i'fiʃəntli]


adv. 有效地

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶



adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]


n. 结论

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

guarantee [.gærən'ti:]


n. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱





