Who should be paid more: a nurse, a teacher, or an officer?
From my perspective, nurse should receive the highest salary among these three. First of all, nurse has a great deal of responsibility. They provide hands on care to patients, make patients feel more comfortable, and assist in many aspects of patient care from dispensing medicine to drawing blood to simply talking with patients. Secondly, nurses have educational requirements. Depending on the type of nurse, their schooling may involve 6-8 years of education, which means they have to spend a lot of money and efforts in finishing their school. Therefore, nurses should definitely receive a higher pay.
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The must-know cons of being a nurse
You will be exposed to all types of germs and viruses. If you are squeamish, nursing is probably not your best career choice. Nurses deal with blood and other bodily fluids. They are also exposed to all types of viruses and other pathogens.
Some days will be overwhelming. The job can be stressful for a variety of reasons. For example, there may be times you are short staffed or get a sudden increase in new patients to treat.
Patients do not always want or appreciate help. It would be great if all your patients thanked you and were polite. But that is not how it works in the real world. Some patients are easy to work with and others are not.
You will see sad situations. There will be times in your nursing career where you witness sad or tragic situations. Patients do not all make it, and watching someone die can be tough.
You may have to work holidays, nights and weekends. Working as a nurse is not a 9-5 job Monday through Friday. Nurses who work in hospitals and nursing homes are needed around the clock.
You may have to work varied shifts including nights.