1.as luck would have it 碰巧,真幸运;碰得不巧,真倒霉
例句:As luck would have it, a doctor happened to be there when he fainted.
2.as right as rain 非常健康,毫无问题
例句:I was not at all well last weekend, but I'm as right as rain now.
3.as steady as a rock 坚如磐石,屹然不动;(人)可靠的
例句:His hand was as steady as a rock.
4.as stubborn as a mule 像骡子一样固执,非常执拗
例句:Don't waste words on him. He is as stubborn as a mule.
5.as warm as (a) toast 暖烘烘的,暖得满脸红光的
例句:We lit the fire and be soon as warm as toast.
我们生起了火, 很快就觉得暖烘烘的了
6.as weak as a kitten (as weak as water) 身体虚弱,意志薄弱,性格懦弱
例句:My temperature has gone down, but I'm still as weak as a kitten.
n. 小猫
vi. 生育小猫