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胡敏读故事记托福短语(MP3+中英字幕) 第166期:作弊

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 166.Cheating
  • 166.作弊
  • When Jack began his oral presentation about the benefits of drinking orange juice, he was positive that he would pass.
  • 当杰克开始口头陈述喝橙汁有哪些好处时,他确信他会过关。
  • Sure, it wasn't his report-he had ordered it from a catalog.
  • 毫无疑问,这不是他写的报告——他是按目录订购的。
  • But it seemed good and that was all that mattered to him!
  • 但它看起来不错,他看中的就是这个!
  • When he began speaking everything seemed to go well!
  • 发言开始的时候,一切似乎都很正常!
  • Then a few students started laughing. Then the teacher's face turned red. Something was wrong!
  • 接着有几个学生开始笑起来。然后老师的脸变红了。糟啦!
  • Jack was suddenly so nervous that he ran out of breath and stopped talking! The whole class burst out laughing!
  • 杰克突然紧张得上气不接下气,他停止了发言!整个班笑成一团!
  • "You ordered that report through the mail, or something!" the teacher said.
  • "你这篇报告是邮购或者什么的!"老师说。
  • "You have to admit it because it is so out of date!"
  • "你必须得承认,因为它太过时了!"
  • The situation was out of control and Jack had to say something.
  • 局势已经失控,杰克得说点什么。
  • "All of my pens ran out of ink so I couldn't write it myself!" Jack said with a pleading voice.
  • "我所有的钢笔都没墨水了,所以我没法自己写!"杰克用恳求的声音说。
  • "That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard!" the teacher said.
  • "这是我听到过的最站不住脚的借口!"老师说。
  • "What you did is way out of bounds and, other than reporting you to the principal, I have to fail you for this course!"
  • "你这是越轨行为,除了向校长反映,我还得让你这门课不及格!"
  • "But I thought that using the Internet for education was the order of the day!" Jack responded.
  • "可我以为把因特网用于教育是日复一日的常规!"杰克回答说。
  • "But not for cheating!" the teacher responded. "Now go to the principal's office instantly!"
  • "但不是用来作弊的!"老师又说。"你马上去校长办公室!"
  • Jack was out of it as he left. When he thought he was out of earshot, however, he swore at the teacher.
  • 杰克闷闷不乐地走了。但是,当他认为没人能听见他说话的时候,他骂了老师几句。
  • "I heard that!" the teacher said looking at him even angrier than before! "And I'll report that too!"
  • "我听到了!"老师看着他说,比原来更生气。"你骂人的事我也会向校长反映!"



When Jack began his oral presentation about the benefits of drinking orange juice, he was positive that he would pass.
Sure, it wasn't his report-he had ordered it from a catalog.
But it seemed good and that was all that mattered to him!
When he began speaking everything seemed to go well!


Then a few students started laughing. Then the teacher's face turned red. Something was wrong!

Jack was suddenly so nervous that he ran out of breath and stopped talking! The whole class burst out laughing!
"You ordered that report through the mail, or something!" the teacher said.
"You have to admit it because it is so out of date!"
The situation was out of control and Jack had to say something.
"All of my pens ran out of ink so I couldn't write it myself!" Jack said with a pleading voice.
"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard!" the teacher said.
"What you did is way out of bounds and, other than reporting you to the principal, I have to fail you for this course!"
"But I thought that using the Internet for education was the order of the day!" Jack responded.
"But not for cheating!" the teacher responded. "Now go to the principal's office instantly!"
Jack was out of it as he left. When he thought he was out of earshot, however, he swore at the teacher.
"I heard that!" the teacher said looking at him even angrier than before! "And I'll report that too!"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

presentation [.prezen'teiʃən]


n. 陈述,介绍,赠与
n. [美]讲课,报告

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

pleading ['pli:diŋ]


n. 恳求

catalog ['kætəlɔ:g]


n. 目录,大学概况手册,商品型录
vt. 做





