As the vote on who had the best science project in the science fair was in progress, members of each team were busy wadding up paper spitballs to wage war on the winner! This wasn't visible to the adults, of course, but scores of children were waiting in the wings behind stands, chairs and displays. Everyone was waiting for the final announcement!
When the vote was in, the leader of the science fair stood up and declared that it was a unanimous decision—not a single judge had voted against the winner! It was Jessica Connelly's volcanic cone that won the science fair! She came to the front and politely accepted her award to a nice round of applause.

The war began right after she stepped off the stage! It was like a volleyball tournament of spit wads! The adults, knowing that they were overwhelmed, just stepped to the side and took a wait and see approach to how to deal with the pandemonium! They had, after all, only volunteered for this fair—they didn't have to stop anything!
It goes without saying that Jessica's volcanic cone received the most hits! But it was a big display and the kids were actually happy that the judges had voted for it—it was easy to hit! The spit wad war was, after all, every kid's favorite part of the science fair! They had spent hours waiting in lines, looking at boring projects, and listening to talks. Now it was their turn!
A good spit wad war is vital to the success of every science fair!