11. Lynette (to herself): "I'm not the one who forgot my mitt."
Mitt:棒球手套, 拳击手套
12. Lynette: "Well, for starters, you can wipe that disgusting smirk off your face."
Wipe:擦去 disgusting:令人厌恶的 smirk:假笑
13. Rodney: "For years, I have stayed married to a woman that I don't love because I made a vow to God. So don't talk to me about responsibilities!"
14. Bob Rowland: "When I was a kid, I always played by the rules. I never cheated on a test, never even missed a curfew. But I can't help but think how wonderful it would have been to have made at least one mistake like you."
cheated on a test:考试作弊 curfew:the sounding of a bell at evening (中世纪规定人们熄灯安睡的)晚钟声, 打晚钟时刻,就是我们现在的大学寝室一到规定时间一定要熄灯的意思。
15. John: "Mr. Solis is going to jail. You want to stick around for that?"
stick around:在附近徘徊,停留
16. 结束语:Mary Alice Voiceover:"Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults。...and learn to give up what we want, so we can choose to do what is right。Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still we try to do what is best, what is good.Not only for ourselves, but for those we love."