Randy: Well it seems the Super Adventure Club is just what you needed, Chef. You must be feeling very happy that you've found a club to belong to, with new friends, but you can also live here in South Park with all your old friends, with whom you care for deeply. Right? (Randy的这段话像一段绕口令,可以尝试读一下)
Clyde: You guys! You guys! (字面的意思是“嘿!伙计们!”不过潜台词却是“兄弟们,出大事了”或者“大事不好了”)
Stan: What?
Clyde: Something's wrong with Chef. He's saying some really weird stuff.
Kyle: Like what?
Clyde: I think, I think he wants to have sex with me.
Stan: What!
Clyde: I got, I got to go.
Kyle: Weirdo.(俚语.怪人,神经病)
Detective Jarvis: We have evidence to believe that Chef has been and still is a… pedophile.(恋童癖者,不过大家有没有注意到,这个词对于小学四年级孩子们来说实在是太大了?)
Stan: No, he's not.
Detective Jarvis: Yea, yea he is so.
Stan: No. He's not.
Det. Jarvis: Did Chef ever touch you here? (point's towards the inner thy)
Stan: No.
Det. Jarvis: Ok did he touch you here? (Rubs the doll's crotch)
All Children: NO!!!
Det. Jarvis: Did he ever do this? (Rubs the doll's nipples) How 'bout this? (licks the doll's crotch)
Butters: My Uncle Bud did that to me once!(了解一下,那些行为会被当作恋童癖)
After the Club Leader tells the boys that they molest(骚扰,调戏) kids as a hobby.
Kyle: I thought you guys went hiking(徒步旅行) and kayaking(划皮艇,kayak或者kyak指的是爱斯基摩人用的皮划艇).
Club Leader: No, that's the Adventure Club, we're the Super(加了一个"超级"就变了味了) Adventure Club! Next week, we'll be heading to the outer banks of the Amazon, where we will make camp and have sex with children of the Ugani tribe, then it's off to the mighty Himalayas, where we will climb K-2(冈仁波齐峰,位于中国巴基斯坦交界处,藏语中"冈仁波齐(Chogori)"的意思是"众山之王",其他别称还包括K-2或者Mount Godwin-Austen,为世界第二高峰,海拔8611米), and molest several Tibetan children on the east summit.
Kyle: … Dude!
Club Leader: I know, but it gets even better! From there we will kayak to the fruitful banks of the Mele River in Africa, where the secret and mysterious Hanimi people have children who have never seen a white man's erect penis! Of course, we're always looking for kids to have sex with on the plane rides over to these places, so how would you ALL like to join the Super Adventure Club! (如此夸张的解说,大家是不是以为真的有这么一个俱乐部了?实际上不过是《南方公园》含沙射影的老规矩,具体我们在“背景知识介绍”中有详细解释)