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听越狱学英语第二季 第42期

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Killerman和林肯兄弟找到了Terrance, 这是推翻“公司”的极好的证据,可是,可以证明Terrance身份的DNA和指纹等都早被人作了手脚,他们无法证明这就是Terrance。

[00:07.36]Listen and Share
[01:00.54]If we get a camera,
[01:01.31]we can take a picture of him holding a current newspaper.
[01:03.74]If we put that on-line, well, that'll prove he's still alive.
[01:06.20]It'll prove that we found a guy
[01:07.17]that looks like kind of like the president's brother.
[01:10.38]Fingerprints, dental records?
[01:11.60]We white-washed him.
[01:12.48]Pulled his teeth, burned off his fingerprints.
[01:16.83]To compare against the homeless guy we killed and put in Steadman's car,
[01:20.22]but we destroyed all exterior DNA samples,
[01:22.61]so that there'd be nothing to compare them to.
[01:25.60]There's gotta be someone somewhere who can identify this man.
[01:28.22]Which is why we did the surgery.
[01:30.17]Cheek bones raised two centimeters, ears lowered a quarter of an inch.
[01:33.77]Not so much that someone who knew him wouldn't recognize him,
[01:36.10]but enough that any forensic comparison of a photograph of that man
[01:39.29]would conclude that he is a look-alike.
[01:41.87]A hoax. Trust me.
[01:44.02]We are very good at what we do.
[01:56.19]If we get a camera,
[01:57.41]we can take a picture of him holding a current newspaper.
[02:09.60]If we put that on-line, well, that'll prove he's still alive.
[02:23.09]It'll prove that we found a guy
[02:25.07]that looks like kind of like the president's brother.
[02:38.27]Fingerprints, dental records?
[02:40.16]We white-washed him.
[02:41.67]Pulled his teeth, burned off his fingerprints.
[03:04.15]To compare against the homeless guy we killed and put in Steadman's car,
[03:08.42]but we destroyed all exterior DNA samples,
[03:11.83]so that there'd be nothing to compare them to.
[03:27.41]There's gotta be someone somewhere who can identify this man.
[03:39.81]Which is why we did the surgery.
[03:41.58]Cheek bones raised two centimeters, ears lowered a quarter of an inch.
[04:01.24]Not so much that someone who knew him wouldn't recognize him,
[04:04.90]but enough that any forensic comparison of a photograph of that man
[04:09.40]would conclude that he is a look-alike.
[04:20.81]A hoax. Trust me.
[04:29.75]We are very good at what we do.
[04:50.00]kind of 有几分
[04:52.72]sort of
[04:56.72]She kind of hoped to be invited.
[05:01.17]dental 牙齿的、与牙科有关的
[05:04.99]dental caps 牙套
[05:07.03]dental work
[05:12.12]white wash 漂白、刷白
[05:22.86]exterior 外部的;外面的
[05:26.56]The exterior walls of the house are painted pink.
[05:35.39]interior 内部的、里面的
[05:39.15]sample 标本, 样品
[05:42.19]Samples are presented free in the company.
[05:48.08]lower 降低, 跌落, 减弱
[05:53.13]Her hand lowered.
[05:57.20]forensic 法庭的
[06:00.54]The poor peasant's son worked his way through difficulties
[06:03.92]and finally became a specialist in forensic medicine.
[06:13.69]hoax 恶作剧、骗局
[06:17.51]A telephone caller said
[06:19.40]there was a bomb in the hotel but it was just a hoax.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

sample ['sæmpl]


n. 样品,样本
vt. 采样,取样

hoax [həuks]


v. 欺骗,哄骗,愚弄
n. 愚弄人,恶作剧

surgery ['sə:dʒəri]


n. 外科,外科手术,诊所

conclude [kən'klu:d]


vi. 总结,作出决定
vt. 使结束,推断出

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较






