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影视听力 第69期:《拜见岳父大人3》

来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Hey, Grandpa Jack.


Greg.This is Jack Burns.

Yeah. I know, I just... I can tell from the caller ID.

Greg, just stop talking and listen. There's always been a patriarch to lead our family through good times and bad. I've come to realize that the next time line to the Burn's throne is you. So I ask you, Greg, are you prepared to be the god Focker.

Hu. humhum

Are you laughing.

Yeah, I know, I just, I was, just make, no.

Because this is no laughing matter, Focker.

It's a confidence.

Sam, I love you.

It's an attitude that lets them know that the buck stops with you.

It's turkey time.

Jack, would you do the honors?

You are the turkey carver now. Greg.

Thank you, Jack.

This Christmas.

I'm watching you.

Well, I have eyes too. So I'll be watching you watching me.

(From Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures.)

Come here and give me a Focker sandwich.(^ ^)

(The more things change.)

Oh, Uncle Kevin!

Do you have a hard time sleeping?




Shi..I put him in the still point.

He's gonna wake up feeling so refreshed.

(The more they stay the same.)

Hey you are OK?

Yeah, you know it's just the usual Jack stuff.

My two cents when you deal with Jack: no matter what he does, just smother him with kisses, there will be pudding in your hands.

(You've got to give little love give little love)

I want you to represent our new drug Sustengo.

It's an erectile dysfunction medicine.

Do you know any sexually frustrated old dudes?

Hello, Greg, you mind explaining this?

Did you take one of those?

What do you mean?

Jack, if you had it for more than four hours, you got to get to an ER and get you a shot.

There is no way I'm going to emergency room with this thing.You need to stick me and need to stick me now.

And I'm not comfortable giving you. I'm not gonna, no.

(Little Fockers.)


(Given a little love)





