Die Another Day 007之择日而亡
James Bond infiltrates a North Korean military base belonging to Colonel Tan-Sun Moon, and poses as an arms dealer trading South African conflict diamonds for weaponry. Bond attempts to assassinate Moon, but has his true identity revealed by Zao, Moon’s assistant, during the transaction when someone transmits Bond's top-secret MI6 personnel file to Zao.
A hovercraft chase results in an explosion disfiguring Zao's face with conflict diamonds, and the apparent death of Colonel Moon after Bond runs his hovercraft off a waterfall. Bond is captured by North Korean soldiers and imprisoned by the Colonel’s father, General Moon, and subsequently tortured...
特工英雄007詹姆斯•邦德(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)这次在北朝鲜发现了一位世界级的媒体大亨——盖斯特维的阴谋诡计。盖斯特维妄图研制一枚类似于第二颗太阳那样的卫星来挑起全球战争,进而达到他控制地球的企图。007当然不会允许盖斯特维的阴谋得逞,于是在北朝鲜展开了调查。经过调查,007发现盖斯特维的真实身份,那是经过整容后改头换面的原北朝鲜领导人Zao。现在,007必须抓紧时间找到Zao,制止他的阴谋以阻止战争的全面爆发。007真的能成功吗?