Here is a breakdown of the school fees. Whisky?
There seems to be some kind of mistake.
The Bursar never makes mistakes about money,unless it's for tax purposes.
But what about... a family discount?
Family discount!
You discounted the family years ago, Carnaby Fritton, when you ruined Great Aunt Millicent with your hair-brained schemes.
I've done nothing to feel guilty about.
Your father has a short memory masquerading as a clear conscience.
The fees are 4,000.
3,000, take it or leave it.
Let's call it 2,000, cash.
Two and a quarter.
Two-three, done.
Daddy, you can't leave me here.
Don't be silly, darling.It'll be half term before you know it.
Bonne chance!Daddy!Daddy!