I'm just tired. Please stop. It's disgusting.
我只是累了 快停下吧 这令人厌恶
Ants don't yawn? Definitely not, thank you.
蚂蚁不打呵欠的吗? 当然不 拜托你
So this city of yours, it's like a nest?
这是你生活的城市? 像蚂蚁窝吗?
Well, yeah. Kind of.
是啊 有点像
And the humans that live there are all brothers...
working together for the greatness of their colony?
Well, not exactly.
嗯 不全是
It's a little more like, you know, every man for himself.
有点像 你知道 人们都是各忙各的
But that's so primitive.
How does anything get done?
Some people work together.
Some. Why not all?
一些 为什么不是全部呢?
I suppose it's because of their differences.
But it's the differences that make a colony strong.
但分工的不同 不是会使家园变得更强大吗?
Foragers, scouts, drones, nurses, regurgitators...
有负责觅食的 侦察的 后勤的
...all are different, but an essential part of the whole.
不同的工种 但都是集体中的一份子
This is where we ants draw our strength.
My differences just get me beat up.
And why is that? I don't know.
为什么会这样? 我不知道