Oh, no, she didn’t
哦 不 她怎么来了
She got her nerve.
What do you want?
Look, I never should have ditched you guys for some stupid dance. I’m sorry.
我不应该为了那个 愚蠢的舞会抛弃你们 对不起
Sorry don’t make up for dissing us.
对不起并不能弥补 对我们的不尊重
Yeah, I know.
是的 我知道
I thought I needed to be the leader,
but it turns out I just needed to be a part of the squad.
但实际上我只想 成为队伍中的一员
And now it’s too late.
and I’ll be proud to watch you win.
But I wanted to come wish you guys good luck,
Well, thanks, and see you.
哦 谢谢 回见
Look, it’s hip-hop Barbie and her Wu-Tang Clan2.
看 这就是嘻哈芭比和她的Wu-Tang Clan (Wu-Tang Clan饶舌第一团)
You better get your friend before she gets a beat down.
你最好在你的朋友 被放倒以前管好她
Oh, please do. We’re not friends.
哦 我求之不得 我们不再是朋友了
We never were.
Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. I could just cry. But I won’t.
我应该哭的 但是我不会
Well, you will be crying when they beat you.
When they beat us?
Don’t tell me you’re not cheering with them anymore.
不要告诉我你不再 是他们的啦啦队员了
I thought once you go black, you never go back.
在我看来一旦你变黑 就不可能白回来
FYI, it doesn’t matter whether I’m cheering with them or not.
告诉你 我是否和他们一起不关你的事 (FYI=For Your Information)
I know how good they are.
Oh, you’ve lost your cheer-sanity if you think this pathetic little squad
如果你认为这个可怜的队伍 能和我们竞争的话
- can even compete with us. - Oh, I know they can. -
你已经丧失理智了 - 哦 我知道他们能行
- So, you’d better bring it all, white girl. - Oh, "white girl"? -
所以你最好放马过来 白人女孩 - 哦 "白人女孩"?
Remember when you used to be one?
记得吗 你曾经也是其中一员?
But don’t act like you forget. You know we always bring it,
不要装着你已经忘记了 你知道我们总能赢的
white trash.[qh]白色废物
Please let me cut her.