What are you doing here? Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead.
You brought this on yourself. I've done nothing. Do you understand we're losing the war? Does it ever end?
你这是自作自受 我可什么都没干你没意识到我们正在输掉这场战争吗?难道这片荒原就没有尽头?
Everything ends, even the Red Waste. All the other wildlings for 100 leagues Craster's still here.
万物皆有尽头 红色荒原亦不例外几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了卡斯特却依然在这稳如泰山
Any man lays a hand on one of my wives, he loses the hand. He marries his daughters and they give him more daughters.
哪只臭手敢碰我老婆一下 我就把它剁掉他娶自己的女儿们为妻然后她们给他更多女儿
What happens to the boys? What does he do with his sons? My brother Robert left no trueborn heirs, the boy Joffrey being born of incest
那男孩呢?他的儿子都哪去了?吾之兄长劳勃 并无后嗣以继王位盖男童乔佛里 实乃
Between Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros.
瑟曦.兰尼斯特与其弟詹姆.兰尼斯特乱伦所生之孽种根据继承与血统的律法 吾于今日声明吾乃维斯特洛铁王座之所有人
Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm. I'm sending one of your cousins down to King's Landing with my peace terms.
You think my father's going to negotiate with you? You don't know him very well. We won't beat them until you take King's Landing.
你觉得我父亲会跟你谈条件?看来你并不怎么了解他嘛除非你夺下君临 否则我们无法将其彻底击败
And we can't take King's Landing without ships. My father has ships and men who know how to sail. Men who fought my father.
但是没有船 一切都无从谈起我父亲拥有舰队 麾下铁种深谙水性他们曾起兵对抗我父亲
I'm his only living son. He'll listen to me. You don't want Balon Greyjoy for an ally. I need his ships. He is not trustworthy.
我是他仅存的儿子 他会听我的建议你万万不可与巴隆.葛雷乔伊结盟 可我需要他的舰队 那人根本不值得信任
I heard a disgusting lie about Uncle Jaime and you. Father had other children. What are you asking? How many bastards does he have running around?
我听到一些关于你和詹姆舅舅的肮脏流言 父王还有其他孩子 你想说什么?他在外面到底有多少野种?
Where is the bastard? The Night's Watch! Heading north! Gotta be ready before nightfall.
那杂种哪去了?跟守夜人走了 往北!天黑之前必须收拾停当