LESSON 27 The crow and the pitcher
第二十七课 乌鸦和投手
A crow that was very thirsty flew to a pitcher, hoping to find some water in it.
Water there was, but so little of it, that with all her efforts the poor crow could not so much as wet the tip of her bill.

"Never despair," said the crow to herself; "where there's a will there's a way!"
A clever thought came into her little black head.
She could not get down to the water; but she might make the water rise up to her.
The crow picked up a pebble, and dropped it into the pitcher; another, and then another.
As they sank, the water began to rise.
Before the crow had dropped in many pebbles, her labour was rewarded, and she drank at her ease of the water, which, but for her clever thought, she would never have been able to reach.