LESSON 37 The hare and the tortoise
第三十七课 野兔和乌龟
A hare, very proud of her speed, once ran a race with a tortoise. In a moment the hare got far before her rival,who, with his heavy shell on his back, could move only at a very slow pace.
"Ha! ha!" laughed the hare, as she stopped half-way to glance back at the tortoise creeping on far behind; "if you don't ply your short legs a little faster, my friend, I'll be half over the country before you reach the end of the field."

The tortoise said not a word, but toiled on.
"Really," said the saucy hare, "if I were to hop on three legs I should get on much faster than you do! I think that I'll take a short nap. If you were but a yard from the goal,I could overtake you with a few bounds."
So the hare lay down on the grass, and soon fell fast asleep. She heard not the little feet of the tortoise, as he came creeping up to the place; she saw him not as he went steadily on, never stopping to look behind.
Presently the hare awoke, and sprang up, ready to dart on like the wind. "Where is the tortoise?" cried she.
"Here," cried a voice from the end of the field;" slow and steady has won the race!"
With whom did the hare once run a race? Who got far ahead in a moment? What did she say as she glanced back? What did the tortoise say? What did the hare then do to fill up the time? What did the tortoise do in the meantime? What did the hare cry out when she awoke? What was the answer?